The high prevalence of malaria in Africa has defiled many strategies aimed at its eradication. Researchers from various fields have tried without success in this fight against mosquito and its malaria disease. Annually billions of dollars are spent in the design of programs which are aimed at combating this dreaded disease. However all this spending seems to go down the drain as malaria and its vector mosquitoes celebrate their unflinching victory. Current control measures focusing on ways of preventing the disease vis- a -vis, protect man from the vectors “anopheline mosquito” are the mainstay of malaria prevention and control. Many of these control measures are operational with each contributing in its little way. The use of Long Lasting Insecticide Treated Nets (LLITN) and Indoor Residual Sprays (IRS) are well established strategies with global recognition and currently ongoing in Africa. However, as a result of shortcomings in these major control measures, new strategies with hopes of blissful success are been sought after. Larviciding (abortion of metamorphosis) and constant and adequate environmental sanitation seems to be the next option available for use. This article therefore takes a look at the vector- anopheline mosquito, its ecology, productivity and distribution. It also considers malaria and the various control and preventive measures currently targeted at its eradication.
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