Double minute chromosomes (DMs) are the cytogenetic hallmark of extra-chromosomal genomic amplification. The frequency of DMs in primary cancer and the cytogenetic features of DMs-positive primary cancer cases are largely unknown. To unravel these issues, we retrieved the Mitelman database and analyzed all DMs-positive primary cancerous karyotypes (787 karyotypes). The overall frequency of DMs is 1.4% (787 DMs-positive cases; total 54,398 cases). We found that DMs have the highest frequency in adrenal carcinoma (28.6%, topography) and neuroblastoma (31.7%, morphology). The frequencies of DMs in each tumor were much lower than in previous reports. The frequency ofDMs in malignant cancers is significantly higher than in benign cancers, which confirms that DMs are malignant cytogenetic markers. DMs combined cytogenetic abnormalities are identified and sorted into two groups by principal component analysis (PCA), with one group containing −4, −5, −8, −9, −10, −13, −14, −15, −16, −17, −18, −20, −21, and −22, and the other containing −1p, −5q, +7, and +20. The prominent imbalance in DMs-positive cancer cases is chromosome loss. However, DMs-positive cancer cases, deriving from different morphologic cancers, cannot be clearly divided into subgroups. Our large database analysis provides novel knowledge of DMs and their combined cytogenetic abnormalities in primary cancer.