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Developmental stability of the progeny of pregnant female rats Rattus norvegicus Berkenhout, 1769 kept under different conditions was studied. In two experimental groups, females were exposed to social stress by keeping them in crowded cages at different stages of pregnancy, from the 1st to the 15th and from the 16th to the 21th days, respectively. In the control group, pregnant females were kept under normal conditions. Fluctuating asymmetry of 20 skull characters (number of foramina for small blood vessels and nerves) was used as a measure of developmental stability. Variance of the difference in foramen number between the left and right sides of the skull (1-r) as well as mean number of asymmetrical traits per individual revealed an increase of fluctuating asymmetry in both experimental groups compared with the control group. These results imply the deterioration of developmental stability under impact of social stress.
Fluctuating asymmetry of skull characters, as a measure of developmental stability, wás studied in two seal species: grey seal Halichoerus gry pus (Fabricius, 1791), and ringed seal Pusa hispida Schreber, 1775 from the Baltic Sea. Seals were collected in three different periods of water pollution of the Baltic Sea. We revealed the same temporal dynamics of fluctuating asymmetry level for both species: it proved to be low in "pre-pollution period" (years 1877-1936), high for the "high-pollution period" (1964-1975), and was again low for the "low-pollution period" (1986-1990). These data suggest that changes in the condition of the seal populations in the Baltic Sea revealed by changes in developmental stability are correlated with the dynamics of the pollution level.
Females of the American mink Mustela vison Schreber, 1777 were fed on various fractions of comercial PCB. Developmental stability of their progeny was studied. Developmental stability was measured by the value of fluctuating asymmetry, and the frequency of phenodeviants of osteological and dermatoglyphic characters. All these measures proved to be significantly higher in the experimental intoxicated groups than in the control group, thus indicating deterioration of developmental stability from PCB.
Developmental stability analysis was conducted for three strains of laboratory rat Rattus norvegicus Berkenhout, 1769 and their hybrids. Developmental stability was estimated by fluctuating asymmetry of 20 characters of skull morphology. A decrease was revealed in fluctuating asymmetry for the inbred strains and for the hybrids of genetically different strains. There were not any differences in fluctuating asymmetry between the homo- and heterozygotes for the separate locus. This support the hypothesis of the dependence of developmental stability on general genetic coadaptation.
We examined temporal variation in developmental stability measured by fluctuating asymmetry of 10 skull characters in sympatric populations of three shrew species: Sorex araneus Linnaeus, 1758, S. caecutiens Laxmann, 1788 and S. tundrensis Merriam, 1900 from one locality in central Siberia with a high four-year-cycle of small mammals. Simultaneous significant changes in developmental stability have been revealed during a population cycle 1986-1989 for all three, most abundant shrew species in the locality. The highest asymmetry for all these species occurred in the year of maximal density. Similar high asymmetry was found for the separate samples of two other species: S. roboratus Hollister, 1913 and S. isodon Turov, 1924, collected in a peak year 1989 only. The maximal density in 1989 corresponded to the lowest level of breeding success and developmental stability and, vice versa, minimal density in 1986 was accompanied by the highest level of breeding success and developmental stability. These data suggest that overpopulation caused by high density of various small mammals adversely affects an organism's condition. Thus, developmental stability may be used to monitor possible changes in a population even in cases where direct estimation of fitness is difficult.
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