Ukiel Lake (surface area 412 ha, maximum depth 43 m), the largest of the eleven lakes in Olsztyn, consists of four distinct basins, each with different environmental features. The presence of urban infrastructure, including a grid of streets, in the nearest proximity of the lake arises much interest in the recreational use of the lake. The present description of how the lake's shore zone around each basin is developed and managed relies on some observations gathered from monitoring the nature in the shore zone and access to the lake's water. The analysis of the actual use of the lake's tourist space was conducted on the basis of direct observations, including our assessment of the recreational pressure on the beaches, baths and near the water table. The results suggest that Ukiel Lake, owing to its size and diverse character, can be used for many different forms of recreation. Among the four basins, the most intensively developed and subjected to the highest recreational impact is Olsztyńskie Basin.