The basis of the work was data on changes in avifauna in the years 1984-1994, obtained by way of a questionnaire of 32 authors from 15 cities in European Russia and 4 in the east of Poland. The results of the survey were burdened by subjective errors, but did nevertheless indicate significant dynamics to the changes in the avifaunas of the cities studied. The survey revealed a trend towards increase and the occupation of new cities among 23 species. The trend was clear in the whole area for Anas platyrhynchos, Pica pica and Corvus corone cornix. Declining trends were shown for 10 species — with the most universal being those for Hirundo rustica and Sturnus vulgaris, and in the cities of Russia also for Delichon urbica. For 22 species, the questionnaire indicated a considerable degree of stabilization of the situation, or else a lack of regularity in the direction and distribution of changes. Comparison with a similar survey carried out in the years 1983-1984 in 27 Central and Eastern European cites showed similar trends for 13 species and reverse trends for 2 (Sturnus vulgaris and Delichon urbica).