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Leaf functional traits are indicators of both plant community and ecosystem responses to environmental factors and can thus increase our capacity to understand ecosystem processes and community assembly due to climate change. The variation in leaf functional traits between succession stages in Horqin Sandy Land is caused by soil nutrient content and by intrinsic biological characteristic of species, but the effects are different. Leaf economic spectra were assessed for seven leaf traits of eight species from early and advanced stages of succession. Species from early succession stages are Agriophyllum squarrosum (L.) Moq., Corispermum macrocarpum Bge., Setaria viridis (L.) Beauv. and Pennisetum centrasiaticum Tzvel., and species from advanced successional stages are Chenopodium acuminatum Willd., Chloris virgate Swartz, Digitaria sanguinalis (L.) Scop. and Leymus secalinus (Georgi) Tzvel. All these species were grown in a greenhouse experiment under two contrasting nutrient supplies including high nutrient level (N , with 20 g of nutrient addition) and low nutrient level (N-, with no added nutrients). As expected, the resource uptake strategies of the species were affected by soil fertilization addition. Leaf nitrogen content (LNC), leaf phosphorus content (LPC), and photosynthetic capacity per unit leaf area (Aarea) significantly increased at high nutrient level but LPC is more dramatically changed than others leaf traits. Leaf life span (LLS) and specific leaf area (SLA) did not show similar tendency with succession stage. At the same nutrient level, LES still shows different pattern between the early and the advanced succession stages. Species from early succession stages have higher LPC and Aarea, compared to species from advanced stages. Species from early succession stage also tend to have higher SLA and higher LNC than at the advanced succession stage. The LLS did not show any clear changes with succession process. These results provide evidence that LES shift along the succession process is mainly caused by intrinsic biological characteristic of species.
Foliar nutrient resorption is an important strategy which allows leaf nutrients to be reused rather than lost with leaf fall, particularly in nutrient-poor ecosystems where even small nutrient losses can have significantly negative impacts on plant survival, competitive ability, and fitness. However, plants vary greatly in nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) resorption among plant growth forms during leaf senescence, which may be vital to understand the role of plant growth forms in ecosystem functioning. Green and senesced leaf N and P concentrations of 39 plant species in sandy grassland (Horqin Sand Land) of northern China were analyzed to detect variations of nutrient resorption efficiency among plant growth forms. The results showed that nitrogen resorption efficiency (NRE) ranged from 29% to 74%, with an average (± SD) of 50.3 ± 11.2%, and phosphorus resorption efficiency (PRE) varied among species between 46% and 82%, with a mean (± SD) of 68.4 ± 6.9%, suggesting that nutrient resorption is a vital nutrient conservation strategy in this ecosystem. In addition, NRE and PRE differed significantly among the dominant plant growth forms in this sandy grassland. NRE for N-fixing species and graminoids were significantly lower relative to NRE for shrubs and forbs, but mean PRE of graminoids was significantly higher than those of N fixers, shrubs and forbs. These data give indirect evidence that the differentiation of N and P conservation serve as an important mechanism permitting the co-existence of growth forms in arid systems.
Desertification, which affects more than two-thirds of the world's arid and semi-arid regions, is a significant global ecological and environmental problem. There is a strong link between desertification of the drylands and emission of CO₂ from soil and vegetation to the atmosphere. The Horqin Sandy Land is a severely desertified area in China's agro-pastoral ecotone due to its fragile ecology, combined with unsustainable land management. We estimated changes of organic carbon content in the bulk soil (0–5 cm), in the light-fraction of soil organic matter (based on density fractionation), and in the various particle-size fractions in areas with mobile sand dunes after implementing grazing exclusion (12 and 27 years) and tree and shrub planting (22 and 24 years). Carbon stocks in the bulk soil and all soil density and particle-size fractions increased significantly in the exclosure and plantation plots. The average rates of carbon accumulation in the bulk soil in the exclosure and plantation plots were 16.0 and 17.8 g m⁻² y⁻¹, respectively, versus corresponding values of 2.3 and 7.1 g m⁻² y⁻¹ for the light fraction, 4.3 and 8.0 g m⁻² y⁻¹ for the coarse fraction, 5.0 and 3.4 g m⁻² y⁻¹ for the fine sand, 4.5 and 4.2 g m⁻² y⁻¹ for the very fine sand, and 1.8 and 1.8 g m⁻² y⁻¹ for the silt clay fraction. The older the exclosure and plantation, the more carbon accumulated in the bulk soil and in each fraction. The carbon pool exceeded the level in non-desertified grasslands after 27 years of grazing exclosure and 24 years of the shrub plantation. Our results suggest that both grazing exclusion and planting trees and shrubs can restore desertified grassland, creating a high potential for sequestering soil carbon, but that the plantations appeared to accumulate soil carbon faster than the exclosures.
The optimal partitioning theory (OPT) predicts that a plant should allocate relatively more biomass to the organs that acquire the most limiting resource. However, variation in biomass allocation among plant parts can also occur as a plant grows in size. As an alternative approach, allometric biomass partitioning theory (APT) asserts that plants should trade off their biomass between roots, stems and leaves, and this approach can minimize bias when comparing biomass allocation patterns by accounting for plant size in the analysis. We analyzed the biomass allocation strategy of the two species: annual Setaria viridis (L.) Beauv and perennial Pennisetum centrasiaticum Tzvel from the Horqin Sandy Land of northern China by treating them with different availabilities of soil nutrient and water (added in summer and winter), and hypothesized that the two species have different patterns of biomass allocation strategy in response to different soil water content and soil nitrogen content. After taking plant size into account, the biomass allocation strategy of S. viridis and P. centrasiaticum differed in response to nitrogen and water; leaves and root:shoot ratio (RTS) of S. viridis were “true” in response to various soil nitrogen contents. The plasticity of roots was also “true” in response to fluctuation in soil water content. However, P. centrasiaticum showed a different pattern with no shift of biomass allocation strategy in response to nitrogen and water. Adjustment in organs biomass allocation pattern of S. viridis in response to nitrogen and water limitation was dramatic, this suggested that S. viridis support optimal partitioning theory (OPT). P. centrasiaticum has better tolerance to varied environments and more likely support the allometric biomass partitioning theory (APT), this characteristic may allow P. centrasiaticum to keep dominance in fragile habitats.
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