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The aim of the research was evaluation of the influence of nitrogen fertilization dose and of various percentage of components on the content of organic and mineral substances and on the food value of festulolium mixtures with red clover. The study included two factors: percentage of red clover seeds in the mixture (40, 60 and 80%) as well as the level of nitrogen fertilization (0, 60, 120, 180 kg∙ha-1). It was proved that the mixture with 80% part of legume plant seeds was characterized by the greatest content of total protein and ash constituents as well as by the optimum content of crude fibre. Increase of the percentage of red clover seeds in the mixture positively influenced the content of Ca and the decrease of molar ratio of K : (Ca + Mg), which improved the nutritive value of the feed. Mixtures not fertilized with nitrogen were characterized by greater content of protein and lower content of fibre, and they were better balanced, regarding protein and energy, than fertilized mixtures. Size of the nitrogen dose did not have a significant influence on the feed quality.
Koncepcja rozwoju zrównoważonego zakłada harmonijne połączenie celów ekonomicznych, społecznych i ekologicznych, prowadzących do wzrostu jakości życia w teraźniejszości z zachowaniem możliwości zaspakajania potrzeb ludzkich w przyszłości. Kierując się tą zasadą rolnictwo powinno wykorzystywać naturalne zasoby środowiska, zachowując przy tym wszystkie jego funkcje. Sposobem na ograniczenie niekorzystnych zjawisk w .środowisku, powstałych na skutek nadmiernej intensyfikacji metod produkcji rolnej jest gospodarowanie w systemie ekologicznym i integrowanym, co jest szczególnie wskazane na obszarach prawnie chronionych.
Celem badań była ocena plonowania mieszanek festulolium z koniczyną łąkową o różnym udziale komponentów na tle zróżnicowanego nawożenia azotem. Udział nasion koniczyny łąkowej w mieszance z trawą wynosił: 40, 60 i 80%. Zastosowano cztery poziomy nawożenia azotem: 0, 60, 120, 180 kg∙ha⁻¹. Wykazano, że udział komponentów oraz nawożenie azotem istotnie wpływały na plonowanie mieszanek. Największy plon suchej masy oraz białka ogólnego uzyskano z mieszanki z 80% udziałem koniczyny, nawożonej azotem w dawce 60 kg·ha⁻¹. Najsłabsza okazała się mieszanka z 40% udziałem rośliny motylkowatej, bez nawożenia tym składnikiem.
The aim of the study was to compare yields and nutritional value of selected species and cultivars of forage grasses under the optimal moisture conditions and long-term drought stress. The regenerative capacity of plants after dehydration was also assessed. The pot experiment was conducted in years 2009-2010 in IUNG-PIB's greenhouse in Puławy, Poland. Nine cultivars of four species: Dactylis glom-erata ('Amera', 'Minora'), Festuca pratensis ('Skra', 'Fantazja'), Festulolium braunii ('Felopa', 'Agula, 'Sulino'), and Lolium multiflorum ('Gisel', 'Lotos') were investigated in well-watered conditions (70% field water capacity - FWC) and under a long-term drought stress (40% FWC). The study showed that stress caused by soil moisture deficiency significantly reduced yields of D. glomerata, F. pratensis, F. braunii, and L. multiflorum. The total yield of dry matter under stress conditions was about 31% lower, compared to the performance achieved on the optimally moisturized treatment. The smallest reduction in dry matter yield under the conditions of water deficit was recorded for D. glomerata, which makes it the most resistant to stress, followed by F. pratensis. The resistance of F. braunii and L. multiflorum to stress was similar and significantly lower. There was a various response of different grasses to the water stress. On the basis of the value of the DSI (drought susceptibility index), the tested cultivars were ranked depending on the sensitivity to drought, starting with the most resistant cultivar: 'Minora', 'Skra', 'Fantazja', 'Amera', 'Sulino', 'Agula, 'Gisel, 'Lotos', and 'Felopa'. The digestibility of dry matter and nutrient value of the grasses depended on both the level of soil moisture and grass species. Under the water stress, the digestibility and protein value increased compared to the control objects. Lolium multiflorum and F. braunii had the best nutritional value, while D. glomerata - the weakest.
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