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Fifty seven bacterial isolates from root nodules of two spontaneous legumes (Astragalus corrugatus and Hippocrepis areolata) growing in the arid areas of Tunisia were characterized by phenotypic features, 16S rDNA PCR-RFLP and 16S rRNA gene sequencing. Phenotypically, our results indicate that A. corrugatus and H. areolata isolates showed heterogenic responses to the different phenotypic features. All isolates were acid producers, fast growers and all of them used different compounds as sole carbon and nitrogen source. The majority of isolate grew at pHs between 6 and 9, at temperatures up to 40°C and tolerated 3% NaCl concentrations. Phylogenetically, the new isolates were affiliated to four genera Sinorhizobium, Rhizobium, Mesorhizobium and Agrobacterium. About 73% of the isolates were species within the genera Sinorhizobium and Rhizobium. The isolates which failed to nodulate their host plants of origin were associated to Agrobacterium genus (three isolates).
We used simple sequence repeat markers and 25 morphological characters to characterize 18 Tunisian fig (Ficus carica L.) cultivars. Morphological traits suggested a high level of variation in the germplasm. Principal component analysis (PCA) differentiated the studied cultivars. In the derived dendrogram the cultivars clustered independently of their geographical origin and sex of trees. Simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers were used to compare genetic polymorphism with the observed phenotypic variation. Using six microsatellite primers, 39 alleles and 59 genotypes were identified. The high values of polymorphism information content (PIC), ranging from 0.67 to 0.85, confirmed the effectiveness of microsatellite analysis for determining molecular polymorphism and characterizing the studied cultivars. Multilocus genotyping unambiguously distinguished all the cultivars. The ability of each type of feature to differentiate cultivars of this crop is discussed.
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