Poultry meat, with regard to lower fat content than the one in other animal species, is consideredby consumers as dietetic. It also constitutes a source of complete protein, iron and minerals. It is alsocheaper than red meat. In recent years, national poultry meat market has been developing very dynamically, and Poland with poultry meat production at the level of 2,420,000 tons belongs tosignificant EU producers. With such a large production and unlimited access to fresh poultry meat aswell as a growing care of health, consumer searches for raw materials which are distinguished bya very good quality. The aim of the study was analysis of consumer knowledge on the subject ofpoultry meat quality, and of criteria which consumers use while purchasing it, based on surveyscarried out on 100 respondents. From the research it follows that most of the surveyed peopleconsume poultry meat usually two or three times a week, mostly in the form of a breast fillet andquarter, or wings. Consumers prefer meat derived from broiler chickens (84%), while least frequentlythey buy goose meat (1%). Consumers first of all are guided by meat freshness and then by its price.For more than half of the surveyed, it does not matter if meat comes from a conventional or organicproduction. Only 26% of consumers prefer meat produced in a guaranteed quality system, QAFP.When buying poultry meat of high quality, consumers first of all expect a higher health safety, highernutritional value and better palatability. When buying poultry meat, the surveyed are most lyconcerned about antibiotics and genetically modified plants used in poultry nutrition