Gastrointestinal parasites were collected from 7 free-ranging Geoffroy's cats, Oncifelis geoffroyi from Lihué Calel National Park, Argentina. Also, fecal samples were analyzed from these animals and 3 other sympatric ones. The helminths were identified as Vigosospirura potekhina, Didelphonema longispiculata, Pterygodermatites cahirensis, Trichuris campanula, Ancylostoma tubaeforme, Toxocara cati, and Taenia sp. Fecal analysis revealed the presence of eggs of Capillaria sp. and an unidentified anoplocephalid tapeworm, and coccidian oocysts. The findings of V. potekhina, D. longispiculata, P. cahirensis, and T. campanula represent first records of these species in O. geoffroyi. Further, the former three had never been reported in South America.