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The aim of the study was to investigate acetylcholinesterase-immunoreactive neurons in the CA1 area of the hippocampus and in the striatum (CS) of rats receiving rebaudioside A (RebA) for 15 days. RebA is a steviol glycoside used in the production of sweeteners, and it has been shown that glycosides affect memory and learning processes. RebA was administrated to adult rats for 15 days at 1 mg of glycoside/ml of water (group I) and 2 mg of glycoside/ml of water (group II). An indirect immunohistochemical peroxidase-antiperoxidase reaction was performed on frontal slides containing the hippocampus and CS with the use of a monoclonal antibody against AChE. Neurons immunoreactive for the protein were assessed morphologically and morphometrically in hippocampal area CA1 and in the CS. Microscopical observations did not reveal significant morphological changes in immunopositive neurons, which suggests that the glycoside had no neurotoxic effect of these cells. Morphometric analyses did not show changes in the density of AChE-immunoreactive neurons. On the other hand, a decrease in reaction intensity was demonstrated in hippocampal area CA1 in group I and in the CS in both groups of animals receiving RebA. The results of our preliminary studies suggest that RebA affects cholinergic neurons.
The aim of the study was to investigate S100ß protein in astrocytes of CA1 and CA3 areas of the hippocampus proper and the dentate gyrus with the hilus yet undefined in mature males of chinchilla, llie presence of S100ß was determined using indirect immunohistochemical peroxidase-antiperoxidase method with specific monoclonal antibody against this protein. Most of the S100ß-positive cells were detected in the subgranular zone of the dentate gyrus and in the middle part of the hilus. In CA3 area, it was found that the most numerous cells with S100ß are in stratum radiatum. In CA1 area, there were single astrocytes expressing this protein. This data demonstrates species differences and a large quantity of S100ß immunoreactive cells in the subgranular zone of the dentate gyrus of chinchilla, which may be associated with structural reorganisation of the hippocampus and with neurogenesis, learning, and memorising process dependent on the hippocampus.
Astrocytes are glial cells prone to morphological changes associated with age. The aim of the study was to investigate the immunoreactivity of glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) in astrocytes of the periaqueductal gray matter (PAG) of the midbrain in adult and old male rats to demonstrate morphological changes associated with age and to assess morphometrically the number of astrocytes and the digital immunostaining intensity of the examined protein in PAG astrocytes of both groups of animals. In the study, 10 male Wistar rats in two age groups were used. The first group consisted of five 100-day-old animals, whereas the second comprised five 3-year-old rats. After euthanasia, the midbrain, containing PAG, was collected and embedded in paraffin blocks. Immnunohistochemical peroxidase-antiperoxidase reaction was carried out on coronal tissue sections with the use of the specific primary antibody against GFAP, goat anti-mouse IgG, peroxidase-antiperoxidase complex, and diaminobenzidine chromogen. GFAP-immunopositive PAG astrocytes were observed under a light microscope and subjected to morphometric analysis to determine their number and digital immunostaining intensity for the protein examined. GFAP-immunoreactive PAG astrocytes in 100-day-old rats showed uniform distribution. Numerous processes branching into secondary ones protruded from intensely GFAP-immunostained stellate cells. In contrast, in 3-year-old rats a significantly lower number of glial cells of different morphology was observed compared to young animals. Astrocytes had fewer primary processes without secondary branches. Morphometric analysis confirmed microscopic observations. Our findings indicate that PAG astrocytes are prone to quantitative and morphological changes with age, which, in turn, can cause disorders in emotional, pain, and defensive reactions.
Parvalbumin (PV), intracellular slow buffer regulates concentration of calcium ions protecting neurons from its excitotoxicity. This protein was described in inhibitory neurons of neocortex in many species of mammals, but its functions are not fully understood. In view of the absence of research on PV in the frontal cortex layers of chinchillas, we decided to trace the distribution of PV-immunoreactive neurons, demonstrate their intracellular locaition and describe their morphology. The aim of the study was also to compare the immunoreactivity of this protein in chinchllas and other species of mammals. Samples of the frontal cortex from 5 sexually mature chinchilla lanigera males was taken for the examination and after appropriate fixation, peroxidase-antiperoxidase immunohistochemical reaction was carried out with a monoclonal antibody against parvalbumin. In molecular layer (I) no nerve cells with PV expression of the examined protein were found but intensive PV immunoreactivity was observed in scattered neurons of the following layers: external granular (II), external pyramidal (III), internal granular (IV), internal pyramidal (V) and heteromorphic cells (VI). Within layer II and IV few, small, stellate, oval and fusiform cells were detected with intensive immunoreactivity in cell bodies and initial processes. Layers III and IV showed neurons of various sizes and shapes. Only layer V was characterized by the presence of the examined protein expression in pyramidal cells. Whereas, layer VI contained slightly more heteromorphic neurons with intensive PV immunoreactivity. In all examined layers of chinchilla's frontal cortex protein localized nuclearly and cytoplasmicly in cells. The obtained results of our own research concerning PV expression in different layers of frontal cortex show similarities and slight differences between species. Nerve cells containing PV should be considered as a specific subpopulation of GABAergic interneurons, which modulate the excitability of other neurons affecting the stability of neuronal nets in frontal cortex of chinchilla langera.
High concentration of glutamate (Glu) is excitotoxic for nervous system structures. This may lead to glial reactivity ie. increased expression of glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) and S100β protein, and also to hypertrophy and proliferation of cells which are determined by the presence of Ki-67 antigen. The aim of the study was to analyse the immunoreactivity of the GFAP, S100β and Ki-67 proteins in astrocytes of hippocampal CA1 region in young rats after administration of monosodium glutamate (MSG) at two doses: 2 g/kg b.w. (I group) and 4 g/kg b.w. (II group). In rats from I and II group morphologically altered astrocytes with the GFAP expression were observed in the SLM of the hippocampal CA1 region. The cells had eccentrically located nuclei and on the opposite site of the nuclei there were single or double, long and weakly branched processes. Moreover, in the SLM the increase of the number of GFAP and S100β immunopositive astrocytes and nuclei with Ki-67 expression, in contrary to control individuals, was observed. These results suggest the increased expression of the proteins in early reactions or hyperplasia which, together with cell hypertrophy, indicate late reactivity of astroglia in response to glutamate noxious effect.
The aim of this study was to investigate changes of calretinin immunoreactivity in neurons and neuropil of the dorsal raphe nucleus (DRN) after subcutaneous administration of monosodium glutamate (MSG) to adult rats. Studies were conducted on 60-day-old male rats. The animals were divided into a control group (C) and two other groups receiving MSG at a dose of 2g/kg b.w. (I) and 4g/kg b.w. (II) subcutaneously for 3 consecutive days. Immunohistochemical peroxydese-antiperoxydase reaction was conducted with the use of a specific anti-calretinin (CR) antibody on brain slides containing DRN of 63-day-old rats. The cells and neuropil were morphologically and morphometrically analysed under the light microscope Olympus BX51. Statistically significant differences were studied with ANOVA and nonparametric Kruskal-Wallis test. In 63-day-old rats, in DRN: dorsal (DRNd), ventral (DRNv) and interfascicular (DRNif) parts, in animals receiving MSG (I and II), there was a decrease in CR- immunoreactivity in neurons and neuropil in comparison to control rats. Only in the ventrolateral part (DRNvl) a few intensively stained CR-immunoreactive cells were demonstrated. Light microscope observations were confirmed by morphometric analyses. In the DRNd and DRNv of rats receiving MSG (I and II) a decrease in average CR-immunoreactive neuron density was shown in comparison to the C group. In the DRNvl part, a statistically significant decrease in the analysed parameter was present only in I group of animals. Conversely, in DRNif no statistically significant differences were shown between studied groups of rats. In the DRN of animals receiving MSG (I and II) a decrease in average digital immunostaining intensity for CR occurred in neurons and neuropil. The obtained results demonstrated a decrease in CR immunostaining intensity level in neurons and neuropil and a decrease in density of studied protein immunoreactive cells under the influence of subcutaneous administration of MSG to adult rats. These results suggest that MSG may cause neuronal death as a result of oxidative stress or it can alter a calretinin conformation in cells after binding to calcium ions.
Ten adult male chinchillas were used. The localisation of calbindin D28k (CB) was examined with the use of two types of reactions: immunocytochemical peroxidase-antiperoxidase and immunofluorescence staining with a specific monoclonal antibody against CB. Immunocytochemical examination demonstrated the presence of CB-positive neurons in the following layers of all parts the parahippocampal gyrus (PG): marginal, external cellular, middle cellular, and internal cellular, i.e. in entorhinal area, parasubiculum, and presubiculum. Immunofluorescence staining revealed the presence of CB in both Hu C/D- immunoreactive (IR) neurons and nervous fibers of the PG. CB-IR neuronal cell bodies were moderately numerous (ca. 10% of Hu C/D-IR neurons) and clearly distinguished from the background. Each layer of the brain area consisted of two types of neurons: pyramidal and multiform. Among the second type of neurons, four kinds of morphologically different neuronal subclasses were observed: multipolar, bipolar, round, and Cajal-Retzius cells. It is concluded that the expression of CB in the PG of the chinchilla is species specific and limited to several subclasses of neurons.
The aim of this study was to investigate and compare S100β protein immunoreactivity in astrocytes of the periaqueductal gray in young and aged rats and to evaluate the morphology of these cells. Furthermore, the amount, astrocyte surface areas, and digital immunostaining intensity of the protein were morphometrically analysed. The research was conducted on 100-day-old and 3-year-old male rats. Midbrain sections, containing PAG, were obtained from the animals. To detect S100β protein in astrocytes, the peroxydase-antiperoxydase immunohistochemical reaction with the S100β antibody was performed. Diaminobenzidine was used as a chromogen. For this method, specificity control was carried out. S100β-immunopositive astrocytes from the dorsal, dorsolateral, and ventrolateral parts of PAG were observed and photographed with a light microscope equipped with a digital camera. Morphometric analyses were performed. In 3-year-old rats, astrocytes in all parts of PAG were characterised by similar S100β immunoreaction intensity as those in 100-day-old animals. Astrocyte nuclei were round or oval-shaped, and showed very weak, moderate or intensive immunostaining. Astrocytes in all parts of PAG were irregularly spread. Morphometric analyses confirmed the results of microscopic examination. There were no statistically significant differences in the number of glial cells between the three parts of PAG. The surface areas of astrocytes in all parts did not differ significantly. Digital immunostaining intensity analysis revealed slight differences in the dorsal and ventrolateral parts of PAG between the two age groups of rats. Our results and the available literature data indicate that S100β protein expression in young and aged animals may differ in various brain areas and depends on many factors.
Habanero pepper fruits contain capsaicin (CAP) characterised by a spicy taste. Astrocytes express vanilloid receptor (TRPV1), which interacts with cannabinoids including CAP. Only a few studies revealed that CAP leads to alterations of the arcuate nucleus (ARC) structures. The aim of this study was to analyse the GFAP (GFAP-IR) and S100β (S100β-IR) immunoreactive astrocytes of ARC in adult rats after intragastric administration of habanero pepper fruits. Adult, Wistar rats received a peanut oil – control group (C) – and oil suspension of habanero pepper fruits at a dose of 0.08 g dm/kg b.w. for 7 days – E1 group – and 28 days – E2 group. After euthanasia, the brains were embedded in paraffin blocks using a routine histological technique. Frontal slices of ARC were immunohistochemically stained for GFAP and S100β using specific antibodies in the peroxidase-antiperoxidase method. Astrocytes of ARC were morphologically and morphometrically analysed under a light microscope. The results of the study did not reveal statistically significant changes in the density of GFAP-IR cells in E1 and E2 groups of rats in comparison with group C. A statistically significant increase in the density of S100β-IR astrocytes was observed in the E1 group and a decrease in the E2 group. Astrocytes with expression of both studied proteins were characterised by morphological alterations in ARC in the E2 group. The obtained results suggest an influence of CAP contained in habanero pepper fruits on the reactivity of astroglia, which may have an impact on the astrocyte-neuron interactions in order to maintain a proper activity of nervous cells in ARC.
The aim of the study was to investigate the morphology, density and immunostaining intensity of calbindin (CB)-positive neurons of dentate gyrus (DG) in new-born (P0) and 21-day-old (P21) male Acomys cahirinus mice from dams receiving β-hydroxy-β-methylbutyrate (HMB) during pregnancy. Different substances administrated to pregnant dams may affect the calcium ion homeostasis which is crucial for the proper brain development of their offspring. DG with hilus (H) plays an important role in memory and learning processes. Calcium levels in DG are regulated by buffering proteins like calbindin D28k (CB). Experimental dams were orally treated with HMB at a dose of 0.2 g/kg b.w. Half of new-born animals were euthanised after birth and the rest after the 21st day of life. The brains were dissected and embedded in paraffin blocks using a routine histological technique. In order to demonstrate CB protein expression an immunohistochemical peroxidase-antiperoxidase reaction was conducted. The results of the study did not reveal important morphological alterations. There were no statistically significant changes in the density of the studied cells either in P0 and P21 animals. However, the authors have demonstrated a statistically significant increase of the average CB-immunostaining intensity in nuclei and cytoplasm in both age groups. It may be a result of a compensation effect to alterations that occurred under the influence of HMB. On the basis of the conducted research, it may be assumed that HMB activity in DG may provide long-term consequences.
The aim of the study was to determine the mechanical and geometric properties as well as bone tissue density of long bones in primiparous and multiparous dams of minks supplemented with ß-hydroxy ß-methylbutyrate (HMB) and/or 2-oxoketoglutarate (2-Ox) during gestation. Powdered 2-Ox was given at the daily dosage of 0.4 g/kg b.w. separately or simultaneously with HMB, which was administered at the daily dosage of 0.02 g/kg b.w. The study demonstrates for the first time that administration of 2-Ox and/or HMB to dams markedly influences bone tissue density and the mechanical and geometrical properties of mother's bones in minks. Moreover, it was demonstrated that the supplementation was more effective in the thoracic limb, which was comprehensively used in contrast to the pelvic limb. The mechanical parameters and bone tissue density significantly increased in the humerus in multiparous minks. Only such diet may provide satisfactory production results in the animals. Nutritional deficiencies occurring during pregnancies may trigger body's own reserves to cover the bone mass increase in developing foetuses and support milk production. This can prevent regeneration of dams' organisms, which negatively affects their reproductive performance. 2-Ox or HMB may be regarded as a protective metabolite when administered orally to minks, counteracting the negative influences of pregnancy and lactation periods on bones condition. Both simultaneous treatment with 2-Ox and HMB and their separate administration were equally effective.
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