Bream, Abramis brama (L.), eggs fertilized with genetically inactivated sperm (UV irradiation dose of 1920 J m-2) were exposed to thermal cold shock to produce meiotic gynogenotes. The shock was applied at one-minute intervals from 1 to 10 min after egg insemination. The temperature of the shock was 2.0 ± 0.1°C, and its duration was 45 min. The water temperature prior to the shock was 20.0°C. Eggs fertilized with genetically inactivated sperm (putative haploids) exhibited retarded and abnormal development. The yield of gynogenesis was relatively low, except for the group to which the shock was applied 1 min after fertilization (about 30% in comparison with the controls). Ninety fish from the control and gynogenetic groups were reared for ten months. The survival of the gynogenetic bream was twofold lower than that of the controls. The gynogenotes were highly variable in size and exhibited some morphological abnormalities. The sex ratios in the control groups were close to 1:1, whereas all the gynogenotes were female.