The genetic con ti nu ity of the po tato spin dle tu ber viroid (PSTVd) ge nome was analysed af ter in fec tion of to mato plants with cloned cDNAs of pa ren tal strains. Dur ing the six weeks of the experiment, several new sequence variants appeared. The sequence vari ants de tected in the prog eny pop u la tion in duced se quence-specific dis ease symptoms. The PSTVd genome therefore follows the pattern expected for typical pseudo-strains prop a gat ing in plants as a pop u la tion of sim i lar se quences. As sessing fur ther the replicon con ti nu ity, a PSTVd cDNA mu tant with a de le tion in the cen tral con served re gion was con structed and proven to be non-infectious. Sur pris ingly, in a sub-population of po tato transformants ex press ing the same de leted PSTVd RNA an in fec tious viroid was detected. This suggests specific transcript conversion followed by recovery of the full-length pathogen genome.