Ischemia is well known for its ability to infl uence the activity of the blood-brain barrier (BBB). We investigated BBB changes by examining the leakage of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) and amyloid precursor protein (APP) from the circulation into ischemic hippocampus. Using Wistar rats BBB and APP changes were studied by light microscope following 10 min brain ischemia with 6 months survival. As controls sham-operated animals were sacrifi ced in due time. Rats were perfusion fi xed for these investigations. HRP was introduced i.v. and circulated for 30 min as an indicator of BBB changes. Five brains were cut at 60 μm slices in the frontal plane by a vibratome for HRP staining. Paraffi n sections from other 5 brains were selected for APP staining and structural observations. Control brains went through the same procedures as ischemic. The areas of BBB damage were associated with increased expression of HRP and C-terminal of APP/βamyloid peptide in perivascular space suggesting, respectively, an additional response to ischemia and neuronal death. These results suggest that the events associated with delayed neuronal death in hippocampus change pathologically BBB function. Additionally these data suggest that the leakage of cytotoxic APP parts in the CA1 and other sectors of hippocampus may play a role in the development of creepy delayed neuronal death after the ischemia. These fi ndings also suggest that the BBB vessels along the hippocampal fi ssure especially in the medial part of the hippocampus are more vulnerable to ischemic episodes than those in other hippocampal sectors. The work was supported by founds from Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education (2007ñ2010-Cost/253/2006) and European Union (Cost Action B30) and Medical Research Centre (T4)