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Plesiosoricids from Early Oligocene fissure fillings in South Germany, with remarks on plesiosoricid phylogeny


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The plesiosoricids from two fissure fillings from Möhren on the Franconian in South Germany are described. All belong to Butselia biveri. Möhren 12 correlates with the early Oligocene standard level Soumailles, corresponding to the Paleogene mammal unit MP 21, and Möhren 13 with the standard level Villebramar, which corresponds to MP 22. These occurrences represent the first record of the genus Butselia in Germany. A review of the known plesiosoricid species and a cladistic analysis of Butselia and Plesiosorex are presented. It shows the basal position of Butselia with respect to Plesiosorex, and the basal position of Plesiosorex soricinoides with respect to the other Plesiosorex species.








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  • Staatliches Museum fur Naturkunde Stuttgart, Rosenstein 1, D-70191 Stuttgart, Germany


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