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2006 | 28 | 1 |

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Operation of attention disengagement and its diurnal variability


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In recent decades new neuroimaging techniques, especially positron emission tomography and functional magnetic resonance, have enabled us to identify attentional brain mechanisms underlying orienting processes. It was found that the posterior parietal lobes disengage attention from its primary focus, then the superior colliculus move the attention index to the expected target location, and finally the pulvinar is involved in reading out data from the target. In the study effects of the time of day on the attention disengagement operation were investigated. The study was performed on 27 young men. Their ages ranged from 19 to 27. The covert attention paradigm to measure location- and object-based attention shifts was used. Saccadic reaction time was measured as an indicator of the disengagement operation. The reaction times were registered in four different experimental conditions, and at three different times of day. The saccades were registered using an infrared corneal reflection recording techniąues with spatial resolution of 5 min. of arc and time accuracy of 10 ms. The eye movement registration system Ober 2-duo was used. Using ANOVA for repeated measures, a strong diurnal effect was found on the efficiency of the attention disengagement operation.

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  • Institute of Applied Psychology, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland


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