Przeprowadzona ocena wartości żywieniowej tłuszczu wykazała bogatotłuszczowy charakter badanych racji pokarmowych. Dominującą grupę stanowiły kwasy nasycone i jednonienasycone, które występowały w zbliżonych ilościach. Procent energii z NNKT był wyższy od niezbędnego minimum 3%; jednakże nie pokrywał on zalecanej normy dla tej grupy wiekowej.
Alimentary rations under test were found to be rich in fat. Fat energy proportional portion exceeded, as a rule, the recommended value by about 30%. At the same time, acidic composition of fat under test was wide of the optimal one. Predominant group was saturated and monounsaturated acids (occurring in similar amounts), however, polyunsaturated acids content amounted to about 11 % of total fatty acids sum. Energy proportional portion from essential fatty acids, in a whole day's rations, was found to be higher than necessary minimum (3%); on the other hand, it did not cover the recommended standard for subjects advanced in years (4%). Value P:S was noted to correspond with an average european diet. Portion of acids with proaggregative properties was higher than hypercholesteremic acids content.