Określono częstość spożycia grup produktów spożywczych z uwzględnieniem typu fast food w grupie 247 uczniów w wieku 15-18 lat, mieszkających w środowisku wielkomiejskim (Warszawa). U znacznego odsetka młodzieży stwierdzono kształtowanie się niekorzystnego wzorca spożycia żywności, z dużym udziałem produktów typu fast food.
The study was carried out in year 2004. The respondents included 247 adolescents aged 15-18 ys (127 girls and 120 boys), living in Warsaw (urban environment). The regularity of meal consumption and place of eating as well as frequency of consumption of selected groups of products were analyzed. Most adolescents (84.2%) declared eating at various fast-food restaurants, whereas just about 1/4 of respondents was having their meals in lunchrooms. For almost 50% of girls and 60% of boys the fast-food meals were consumed quite often. The observed diffrences in products consumption suggest that many adolescents develop unfavourable eating patterns which might lead to various diet-based diseases in later life.