Badano teksturą i jakość sensoryczną kiełbas drobno rozdrobnionych typu parówkowej wyprodukowanych z dodatkiem błonnika grochu (ID90). Wzrost ilości wprowadzanego błonnika (15 i 20%) do farszu wędlinowego spowodował statystycznie istotne obniżenie pożądalnośći konsumenckiej i tekstury badanych kiełbas.
The texture and sensory quality of finely comminuted sausages produced with the addition of pea fiber introduced as a fat replacement were assessed in this study. Fat was replaced in the amounts of 10%, 15% and 20% with the fat substitute rechydrated in the proportion of one part of fiber per four parts of water. Texture of sausages was tested instrumentally with an Instron universal testing machine. Simultaneously the sausages were examined by a semi-consumer sensory panel. Along with an increase in the fat substitution level some parameters characterizing sausage texture deteriorated in comparison to the control sausage. These results were confirmed in the consumer sensory evaluation. Increased amounts of fiber (15 and 20%) introduced to sausage batter resulted in a statistically significant lowering of consumer desirability of the tested sausages. The total caloric content of sausages produced with a 20% fat substitution with pea fiber was 15.3% lower in comparison to the control sausage.