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Influence of education transformation on improving key competence in geography teaching


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Systemic transformation taking place in Poland for many years now, have included all fields of the economy. It is particularly visible on the level of society education. The implemented reform of education system introduced thorough structural and curricular changes. New subjects were introduced, such as nature, information and communication technologies, which refers to civilizational achievements. A school was entrusted with accomplishing a very important task of getting young people ready to live in a knowledge-based society, because knowledge and skills account today for the greatest treasure of societies. Ambitious tasks were entrusted also to the teachers. Adaptation to development of technology and application of digital devices in teaching subjects was one of these tasks. The aim of this article is to define the influence of education transformation on improving key competence in geography teaching. Presentation of the results of the conducted research concerning level of application of new technologies in schools, diversity of curricula and teachers' approach to new technologies in geography teaching with awareness of very high informatics competence of the contemporary students was a mean to achieve this goal. Also methodical and substantial solutions improving teachers' qualifications are proposed. Significant questions arise: is e-school, development of which has been observed in the recent years, going to raise effectiveness of education? And is a contemporary teacher - follower of constructivism - applying various teaching methods going to facilitate development of particular key competence of 21st century?






Opis fizyczny



  • Department of Geography Teaching and Ecological Education, Faculty of Geographical and Geological Sciences, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland


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