Celem pracy było zbadanie wpływu dodatku preparatu błonnika owsianego Vitacel® HF 600 na fizyczne, chemiczne i sensoryczne wyróżniki jakości hamburgerów wołowo-wieprzowych o stałym składzie surowcowym (85% mięso wołowe kl. II, 15% podgardle wieprzowe). Przygotowano cztery warianty produktów: kontrolny (niezawierający błonnika owsianego) oraz z dodatkiem 1,5, 3,0 i 6,0% preparatu błonnikowego. Jakość hamburgerów poddanych pieczeniu w piecu konwekcyjno-parowym oceniano po 24 h przechowywania w warunkach chłodniczych. Stwierdzono, że wprowadzenie do składu recepturowego hamburgerów błonnika owsianego nie miało istotnego wpływu na podstawowy skład chemiczny i siłę cięcia, ale różnicowało istotnie parametry barwy powierzchni produktów. Zastosowanie dodatku preparatu Vitacel® HF 600 do hamburgerów nie spowodowało pogorszenia pożądalności wyróżników sensorycznych poddanych ocenie. Istotne różnice między produktami stwierdzono jedynie w ocenie twardości. Biorąc pod uwagę uzyskane wyniki, wnioskowano, że ilość dodatku preparatu Vitacel® HF 600 do farszu na hamburgery o przyjętym składzie recepturowym nie powinna być większa niż 3,0%.
The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of oat fibre preparation Vitacel® HF 600 on selected quality characteristics of beef-pork hamburgers with a consistent raw material composition (85% beef trimmings class II, 15% pork jowl without skin). Products of four formulations were prepared: control (without addition of the oat fibre preparation), and containing: 1.5, 3.0 and 6.0% of the oat fibre preparation (in relation to the weight of the raw meat and water). Evaluation of the quality of hamburgers included determination of the yield of product by the weighing method, the content of water, protein and fat by the near-infrared (NIR) spectrometry method, the content of salt by the potentiometric method, measurement of water activity, instrumental measurement of colour parameters L*a*b*, texture (shear force) and sensory assessment of colour, odour, taste, hardness, juiciness and overall sensory acceptability of products. The evaluation of quality characteristics of hamburgers was carried out for four production batches in products subjected to heat treatment. It was found that the addition of 6.0% of oat fibre preparation into the batter for hamburgers resulted in significant decrease of the yield and water activity of products, as compared to the control product. The oat fibre preparation had no significant effect on the basic chemical composition and shear force of hamburgers but differentiated the colour of the surface of products. Based on the results of sensory evaluation of hamburgers containing the Vitacel® HF 600 preparation no significantly negative effect of this functional additive on appearance and colour, odour, taste, juiciness and overall acceptability of products was found. However, product containing 1.5% of the oat fibre preparation characterized by a significantly more desirable hardness than the product containing 6.0% of this preparation. Correlation analysis showed a statistically significant, relatively strong correlation between sensory evaluation of colour and the value of redness (a*), between sensory evaluation of juiciness and fat content in hamburgers. Taking into account the production yield, the results of instrumental colour measurements and sensory evaluation of hardness, it may be concluded that the addition level of Vitacel® HF 600 preparation into the batter for beef-pork hamburgers of adopted raw material composition should not exceed 3.0%.