The temperature-dependent development of Hemiptarsenus zilahisebessi Erdös (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae), a biological control agent of Liriomyza sativae Blanchard (Diptera: Agromyzidae), was studied in the laboratory at seven constant temperatures (10°C, 15°C, 20°C, 25°C, 30°C, 35°C, and 40°C) with a relative humidity of 65% and a photoperiod of 16L:8D h.. The total developmental time (egg to adult) decreased significantly with increasing temperature, and there was no development at 10°C or at 40°C. Linear and nonlinear models were used to describe the relationship between developmental rate (1/days) and temperature (°C), and to determine developmental thresholds. Using a linear model, the lower temperature threshold (zero development) was estimated to be 8.94°C for males and 9.02°C for females, and the thermal constant (K) was 147.1 degree-days (DD) for males and 156.3 DD for females. Among the nonlinear models examined, the Briere-1 and Briere-2 models were accepted on the basis of goodness-of-fit to the data (residual sum of squares and coefficient of determination) and estimable temperature thresholds (T0, Topt and Tmax). These models gave the best description of the temperature-dependent development of H. zilahisebessi. Temperature-based development models can be useful in designing massrearing protocols, in helping to make decisions in augmentative release trials, and in the development of predictive modelling.