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Background. Legume seeds, including beans, are a good source of mineral constituents. The level of these compounds depends among other factors, on the species, cultivar and the methods of processing applied. However, there are no studies in the literature which deal with the content of mineral constituents in physiologically immature bean seeds. Material and methods. The aim of this study was to evaluate the retention of ash and 13 mineral constituents in immature seeds of three bean cultivars. The investigation included raw, blanched and cooked seeds and three products prepared for consumption after 12-month storage: a frozen product obtained using the traditional method (blanchingfreezing-frozen storage-cooking); a frozen product obtained using the modified method (cooking-freezing-frozen storage-defrosting and heating in a microwave oven); and a sterilized canned product. Results. The application of technological processes; the storage of frozen and sterilized products; and the preparation of frozen products for consumption had an effect on minerals content in finished products. The frozen product obtained using the modified method retained greater amounts of the investigated elements (apart from calcium, lead and cadmium) than the traditional frozen product. Canned bean seeds retained less ash, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium and iron than the products of the two ways of freezing, while the retention of the remaining constituents depended on the cultivar. Conclusions. Modified method of freezing of immature bean seeds resulted in greater retention of the investigated components in products prepared for consumption than the traditional method of freezing or canning.
Background. Legumes are usually consumed when physiologically mature, as dry seeds, however, flageolet beans seeds are also consumed immature. They are harvested when dry matter content is about 40%, pods are filled, grown, seeds succulent, showing green or light green colour and do not require lengthy thermal processing when prepared for consumption. Material and methods. The aim of this study was to evaluate vitamin C content in immature seeds of five bean cultivars harvested when dry matter content was 40%. The analysis included raw, blanched and cooked fresh seeds and three products prepared for consumption after 0, 4, 8 and 12 months of storage: frozen products obtained using the traditional method (blanching-freezing-frozen storage-cooking), frozen products obtained using a modified method (cooking-freezing-frozen storage-thawing and heating in a microwave oven), a ready-to-eat product to consumption at ambient temperature, and canned products obtained by sterilization. Results. The application of technological processes, frozen and sterilized products storage, and the preparation for consumption had a cumulative effect in retention vitamin C content on final products. Conclusion. Comparing frozen seeds obtained by modified method with seeds treated by traditional method, generally, this one could retain more vitamin C. Canned seeds retained significantly less vitamin C than other frozen products.
Background. Legumes are a good source of protein, and are also abundant in carbohydrates, B-group vitamins, dietary fibre and mineral compounds. Material and methods. This work evaluates the retention of ash, eleven minerals and two heavy metals in products obtained from two common bean cultivars harvested before reaching fuli maturity, with a dry matter content of about 40%. Analyses were conducted on raw, blanched and cooked seeds and three products prepared for consumption after 12-month storage: two frozen and one canned (sterilized). The former comprised two types of frozen product: one traditionally produced (blanching-freezing-frozen storage-cooking), the other a convenience, “ready-to-eat” product obtained using a modified method (cooking-freezing-frozen storage-defrosting-heating to consumption temperature in a microwave oven). Results. In cooked bean seeds of both cultivars, levels of potassium, calcium, magnesium and copper were significantly lower, the only exception being the content of ash and sodium (due to added salt), than in blanched seeds; the changes in the remaining components were not so clear-cut and depended on the cultivar. Seeds frozen using the modified technology generally showed higher levels of the elements investigated than frozen products produced traditionałly, with the exception of chromium, nickel and lead. Sterilized seeds had lower levels of ash, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, manganese, copper and chromium compared with both types of frozen product; retention levels of individual components depended on the cultivar examined. Conclusions. Compared with the traditionałly produced frozen product, prepared for consumption, seeds after modified method of freezing (convenience food) contained significantly higher levels of ash and all macroelements, regardless of the cultivar. Seeds preserved by sterilization, compared with frozen seeds (either method of production) prepared for consumption, had lower content of most of the analyzed components.
Celem pracy była ocena zawartości aminokwasów w nasionach dwóch odmian fasoli zwyczajnej (‘Igołomska’ i ‘Laponia’) zbieranych w stadium dojrzałości woskowej oraz ocena wpływu sposobu konserwowania na zawartość tych składników. Analizowano nasiona świeże i ugotowane, produkty mrożone metodą tradycyjną oraz produkty typu żywność wygodna (mrożone metodą zmodyfikowaną i sterylizowane). Produkty mrożone uzyskano metodami: tradycyjną (blanszowanie – mrożenie – zamrażalnicze składowanie – gotowanie) i zmodyfikowaną (gotowanie – mrożenie – zamrażalnicze składowanie – rozmrożenie i podgrzanie w kuchence mikrofalowej). Świeże nasiona fasoli zebrane w stadium dojrzałości woskowej o zawartości suchej masy na poziomie 40 g/100 g zawierały 7085 - 7886 mg aminokwasów w 100 g części jadalnych. Obróbka technologiczna i przygotowanie produktów do spożycia powodowały zmiany zawartości poszczególnych aminokwasów w zakresie od -33 do 27 %, w porównaniu z surowcem. Wartość odżywczą białka ograniczały aminokwasy siarkowe, tym samym obniżając jego jakość. Indeks EAA (aminokwasów egzogennych) nasion przygotowanych do spożycia zawierał się w przedziale 118 - 139. Najwyższą wartością indeksu EAA charakteryzowało się białko mrożonek otrzymanych metodą zmodyfikowaną i przygotowanych do spożycia, następnie: konserw sterylizowanych, mrożonki tradycyjnej i nasion ugotowanych bezpośrednio po zbiorze, a wśród odmian wyższą jakością białka charakteryzowały się nasiona odmiany ‘Laponia’.
Mrożonki ze szpinaku nowozelandzkiego wykonano z liści wraz z młodymi pędami, długości nie przekraczającej 15 cm. Materiał po blanszowaniu w wodzie i rozdrabnianiu na miazgę zawierał o 3-48% mniej analizowanych składników fizykochemicznych niż surowiec. Mrożenie w niewielkim stopniu wpłynęło na zawartość badanych składników. Większe zmiany zaobserwowano w trakcie zamrażalniczego składowania mrożonek. W całym procesie technologicznym największe ubytki, wahające się od 20 do 79%, dotyczyły składników mineralnych, azotanów, cukrów, kwasów ogółem oraz witaminy C. Jednocześnie obserwowano wzrost poziomu azotynów. Jakość sensoryczna wyrobu była dobra, zbliżona do szpinaku zwyczajnego.
W trakcie przechowywania kopru przez 4 dni w magazynie niechłodzonym obserwowano przede wszystkim zmiany poziomu azotanów(lll), których ilość w badanych częściach użytkowych obniżyła się średnio o 42%. W całych roślinach kopru składowanych przez 14 dni w warunkach chłodniczych zawartość azotanów(V) obniżyła się o 43%. Po tym okresie koncentracja azotanów(III) nie zmieniła się. Ponadto, niezależnie od temperatury magazynowania, w części liściowej obserwowano niewielki wzrost azotanów(V). Koper po przechowywaniu, w porównaniu do surowca świeżego, zawierał mniej szczawianów ogółem o 15-48% i szczawianów rozpuszczalnych o 38-58%.
W pracy podjęto próbę wykorzystania owoców banana o daleko posuniętej dojrzałości konsumpcyjnej do otrzymywania mrożonych deserów. Banany po pokrojeniu na plastry poddano obróbce wstępnej tj. blanszowaniu w 30% syropie cukrowym, zakwaszonym kwasem cytrynowym, bądź 24 godzinnemu moczeniu w 50% zakwaszonym syropie cukrowym z różnymi dodatkami, w tym z kwasem L-askorbinowym, wodorosiarczynem sodu oraz chlorkiem wapnia. Zabiegi te wykonano w celu stabilizacji barwy, usunięcia substancji gazowych i ewentualnego utwardzenia. W surowcu, spreparowanych plastrach oraz w produkcie po 6. miesiącach zamrażalniczego przechowywania oznaczono zawartość suchej masy, cukrów, kwasów, protopektyn, pektyn, polifenoli, witaminy C, wapnia, SO2 oraz aktywność peroksydazy. Ocena sensoryczna produktów wykazała, że przeprowadzenie blanszowania nie gwarantuje otrzymania dobrej jakości mrożonych deserów. Spośród 6. różnych prób poddanych moczeniu tylko próba, w której do syropu dodawano 0,8% kwasu cytrynowego, 0,2% kwasu L-askorbinowego i 1% chlorku wapnia gwarantowała otrzymanie mrożonek o jakości sensorycznej zbliżonej do oceny dobrej.
The investigation covered broccoli, green cauliflower and Brussels sprouts. The evaluation concemed the raw material; the material after blanching; the material after cooking; and frozen products from blanched (traditional method) and cooked (modified method) material, stored at -20°C and -30°C then prepared for consumption using watercooking in the traditional method and thawing by microwave in the modified method after 0, 4, 8 and 12 months of frozen storage. Depending on the investigated sample, the vegetables prepared for consumption after 12 months of frozen storage retained total chlorophylls as follows: broccoli, 45-66% of the content in the raw material; green cauliflower, 30-45%; and Brussels sprouts, 66-78%. In comparison with the traditional method, the mean content of chlorophylls in Brussels sprouts obtained using the modified method was 16% higher; however, in broccoli the content was lower by 23% and in cauliflower by 21% on average. Lower storage temperature resulted in higher content of chlorophylls in all investigated vegetables.
Green pea is regarded as an important constituent of a human diet, especially for vegetarians. The aim of the present work was to evaluate the amino acids content in green pea and the quality of pea protein. The study covered raw seeds; fresh seeds cooked to consumption consistency; and two kinds of frozen products prepared for consumption: frozen seeds obtained using the traditional method and frozen seeds of the ready-to-eat type. Compared with the raw material, cooked fresh pea contained more isoleucine (15%), valine (14%) and arginine (24%) but less tyrosine (17%); cooked pea from the traditional frozen product contained less sulphur-containing amino acids (12%) and alanine (13%); while pea from the frozen product of the ready-to-eat type contained a similar or higher amount (from 12% to 38%) of amino acids, except for sulphur-containing amino acids (less 12%). The protein of green pea was of very good quality, both in raw seeds and in those prepared for consumption. In comparison with the FAO/WHO/1991 standard, the CS indexes exceeded 100. It was only for sulphuric amino acids that the CS for the readyto- eat product was 98. The methods of culinary and technological processing applied affected the quality of protein in green pea seeds to a negligible degree.
The investigation covered two kinds of the raw material (the leafy part and whole plants of dill 20 cm in height), varied processing before freezing (blanching of the raw material or without blanching), and two different storage temperatures (-20°C and -30°C) during 12-month storage, analyses of frozen products being conducted every 3 months. In comparison with whole dill plants the content of dry matter in leaves was higher by 36%, of total sugars by 45%, starch by 6%, dietary fibre by 35%, polyphenols by 58%, volatile oils by 32%, and total acids by 36%. The activity of peroxidase and catalase in leaves was higher by 59% and 71% respectively. In both usable parts of dill blanching caused significant changes in the level of all chemical components except for dietary fibre. Irrespective of the usable part, preliminary processing and storage temperatures, refrigerated storage caused slight changes in the level of dry matter, total sugars, starch, dietary fibre and total acids. Blanching before freezing and a lower temperature of refrigerated storage resulted in better retention of polyphenols and volatile oils in the two usable parts. At each stage of the investigation frozen leaves were characterized by higher sensory quality. Maintaining high sensory quality of frozen dill for three months did not require blanching and a storage temperature of -20°C was adequate. Storage at -30°C or at -20°C but with blanching before freezing was indispensable for maintaining very good quality for six months. Frozen dill stored for more than six months maintained good quality only when blanched raw material had been used; in addition to this, a lower storage temperature had a favourable effect on maintaining sensory quality, particularly in the case of 12-month storage.
The investigated three dill cultivars Amat, Ambrozja, and Lukullus, were grown in five periods from spring to autumn. Harvesting was carried out when the plants reached 25 cm in height, i.e. within 36-45 days. The extreme usable yields of leaves reached 45-99 kg and of leaves with petioles 68-205 kg from 100 m2. These values constituted 36-44% and 57-87% of the commercial yield. The following yields of the components analysed were recorded from 1 m2: dry matter 76-194 g, total sugars and starch 13-31 g, dietary fibre 15-33 g, total nitrogen 4-9 g, ash 10-37 g, vitamin С 618-1290 mg, beta-carotene 19-55 mg, total chlorophylls 722- 1735 mg, and volatile oils 212-1142 mm3. The highest yields of volatile oils were obtained from the May and July sowings and of the remaining components from the April and August growing periods. In general, the cultivar Amat gave a higher usable yield of dry matter and also a higher yield of the analysed components.
The banana fruit (yellow peel with brown flecks) were used for producing canned banana desserts. In first part of the investigation 17 samples were considered for various pre-treatment methods of bananas. Sliced bananas were blanched (at 80-82°C for 120 s) or soaked (24 h) in sugar syrup (10%, 30% and 50%) with L-ascorbic (0.2%) or citric (0.8-1.0%) acids, acid sodium sulphite (0.2%) and calcium chloride (1%). On the basis of the first part of the experiment, the best combinations were selected for further investigation. In the second part of the experiment the determinations concerned the effect of technological measures on the level of physico-chemical indices and on the sensorial traits of the bananas. In this part of investigetion all the applied methods of pre-treatment of banana slices ensure the production of good quality canned products. The applied calcium chloride had the most favourable effect, improving the hardness and sensory quality.
The investigation was carried out on the usable parts of dill plants, cultivars Amat, Ambrozja, and Lukullus, grown from spring to autumn. Dill seeds were sown on 10th April, 10th May, 10th June, 10th July, and 10th August 2000. Harvesting was conducted when the dill plants reached the height of 25-cm i.e. after 36-45 days, depending on the cultivar and period of cultivation. The content of chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, total chlorophylls, and volatile oils was determined in the leafy part and in leaves with petioles of dill.
The aim of the work was to determine the level of dry matter, total nitrogen, and amino acids in two kinds of green dill parts (leaves or whole plants 25 cm in height) subjected to different pre-treatment before freezing (blanching or non-blanching) and stored after freezing for 12 months at temperatures of -20°C and -30°C. The leaves of dill contained more dry matter and nitrogen compounds than whole plants. Blanching reduced the content of dry matter and total nitrogen. Refrigerated storage (-20°C and –30°C) for 12 months did not change the content of dry matter and nitrogen compounds. No differences were observed between the leaves and whole plants in the content of total amino acids and sum of essential amino acids while significant differences appeared in the content of some amino acids. In comparison with the FAO/WHO standard of 1991 the level of essential amino acids was very high, lysine being a limiting amino acid.
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