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On the area were research was conducted the most important stress factors on checked area were dry soil, not enough oxygen in the soil, soil compaction, salinity, alkaline soil, mechanical damages, pollution of the air. The most damaging for tree condition is accumulation of few factors, for example high temperature, drought and salinity. The most difficult stress conditions were recognised on streets with high traffic; Targowa, Solidarności, Jagiellońska, Kłopotowskiego. Streets with lower traffic have a problem of restricted soil for rooting and not porous pavements. Destroyed soil and water conditions have the biggest impact on deterioration of tree vitality and long life chances. Conducted studies proofed that soil mast be protected. Knowledge of trees reactions helps to take responsible decision concerning urban forest management.
Chances of growing conditions have major impact on vitality of trees and their surviving on construction site. In this article was analyzed impact on trees of unfavorable biotical habitat conditions, with taking under consideration infectious agents, but also characteristic of microclimatic changes connected with human activities. All listed factors connected with knowledge about their importance and ability to assess the impact on tree condition, allows to take responsible and rational tree management decisions on the area of investment and urban areas.
Drzewa na terenach zurbanizowanych poddawane są antropopresji, która prowadzi do wielu powtarzających się konfliktów i związanych z nimi uszkodzeń. Brakuje badań dotyczących długookresowego wpływu procesu inwestycyjnego na żywotność drzew i pozwalających na ocenę rokowań życia, ale również informacji, na którym etapie procesu inwestycyjnego drzewa uszkadzane są w największym stopniu. Kluczowa w podejmowaniu właściwych decyzji dotyczących gospodarki drzewostanem na terenie budowy okazuje się świadomość wartości drzewa wszystkich uczestników procesu inwestycyjnego, świadomość rzeczywistych kosztów zabezpieczeń, ale również takich uwarunkowań jak brak wpływu zastosowania technik ochronnych na spowolnienie procesu inwestycyjnego. Polskie prawodawstwo nie rozwiązuje problemu niszczenia drzew na terenach budowy, a przy braku wiedzy stosowane są kontrowersyjne lub niewłaściwe zabezpieczenia drzew w trakcie prac budowlanych, a po ich zakończeniu niewłaściwa pielęgnacja na etapie zarządzania nieruchomością. Sytuacja ta powoduje, że w perspektywie dłuższej niż 10 lat co drugie drzewo uszkodzone przez prace budowlane zamiera.
Article is concerning analysis of the impact of unfavorable environment conditions connected with construction work on tree development. Analysis were carried out on soil compaction influence on root system shape and development, influence of filling and cutting of the soil level connected with loss of root tissues and water stress. Those studies were conducted in the context of the morphology and shape of root system in urban conditions. Work contents tables with specified critical thresholds of tree resistance to change of ground level in relation of different types of soil. The conclusions of the analysis should be used at all stages of design and organization of building process, containing the stage of project work, tree management and tree maintenance.
Visual Tree Assessment method (VTA) is widely used for phytosanitary check of trees growing in EU urban areas. Application of the method allows to eliminate the risk posed by trees but also to control the city forest phytosanitary status. The main task of the evaluator is to identify the degree of tendency to the fall of the tree. In the face of increasing problems of urban trees VTA method allows for responsible evaluation of tree statics and is used as a tool to avoid damage caused by trees. Method was applied also for urban tree management and long-term planning of urban stands maintenance and exchange costs.
Uszkodzenia mechaniczne drzew miejskich nie są rzadkością. Mogą one dotyczyć systemu korzeniowego, pnia lub korony. Uszkodzenia związane z ruchem kołowym, oberwane gałęzie lub nasypanie wierzchniej warstwy terenu może obniżyć wartość drzewa. Granica pomiędzy zniszczeniem a uszkodzeniem drzewa, pomiędzy szkodą całkowitą i częściową jest często niejednoznaczna, a stwierdzenie i ocena szkody wiąże się na ogół z decyzją o pozostawieniu lub usunięciu drzewa. W tym kontekście niezwykle ważna jest analiza czynników wpływających na możliwości regeneracyjne uszkodzonego drzewa.
Drzewa są źródłem wielorakich korzyści w miejscu zamieszkania, pracy i odpoczynku. Miejska presja inwestycyjna powoduje jednak konflikty zarówno w przypadku nowych inwestycji, jak również modernizacji infrastruktury istniejącej. Niekorzystny wpływ na kondycję drzew mają nie tylko prace montażowe związane z procesem budowlanym, ale również czynniki takie jak ubicie gleby, długotrwałe zastoiska wody lub zatrucie gleby substancjami szkodliwymi, które uszkadzają system korzeniowy i powodują obumieranie drzew. Niekorzystny wpływ na warunki siedliskowe drzew mają wykopy pod fundamenty budynków, układanie chodników, instalacji naziemnych i podziemnych, a także działania podejmowane po zakończeniu procesu budowlanego, takie jak nowe nasadzenia, układanie trawnika z rolki. Mogą one powodować dalszą dewastację istniejącego drzewostanu. Zabiegi ochronne stosowane przed rozpoczęciem i w trakcie prac budowlanych, polegające przede wszystkim na ustaleniu nienaruszalnych stref ochronnych dla korzeni, pni i koron drzew, maja zasadnicze znaczenie dla minimalizowania strat w drzewostanie, powstałych na skutek robót budowlanych. Ogrodzenia ochronne oddziałują zarówno bezpośrednio, jak również psychologicznie na osoby znajdujące się na placu budowy. W związku z tym, że stosowane na świecie metody wyznaczania stref ochronnych na terenie budowy różnią się w zasadniczy sposób pod względem proponowanych odległości, konieczna jest ich analiza, która pozwoli na opracowanie spójnego systemu ochrony drzew na terenie inwestycji.
The number of decisions permitting the removal of trees in cities is increasing every year, which suggests long-term negligence, or rather insufficient funds for proper management of urban forests. Lack of appropriate tools causes difficulties in the decision-making process. This problem is especially important in a situation of increased pressure exerted by residents to remove trees, mainly due to the safety reasons. An essential element in maintaining the proper tree management in a city is to improve management systems by applying comprehensive methods and tools. For this reason, many methods are used to support the inventory and identification of dangerous trees. The presented research is a response to the need for unification of management systems based on the most effective and proven methods of defining the resource, health and static condition, value, assessment of tree life expectancy or tree damage. Such a multilateral approach can improve the safety and management of urban forests. The results of the presented analyses led to the formulation of objective guidelines for the urban tree management standards.
Urban trees have decidedly a positive impact on people's lives. They satisfy diverse needs of local residents: psychological, aesthetic and spiritual ones, among others. Urban greenery creates a healthier, more comfortable environment. Such qualities make trees to be of a great value to society. Though trees are considered to have no monetary value. Indeed, the value of tree ecosystem services is difficult to estimate compared to the economic value of material goods. When planning an investment or city development concept a decision is generally made on a base of economic calculation. The article presents the results of the research, carried out from 2011 to 2016, on the lost value of ecosystem services due to the removal of street trees on a selected area of highly urbanized Warsaw district. The research also covered the difference between the value of mature trees and new plantings. The calculations were made on the basis of the urban forest valuation of ecosystem services method, developed by the Institute of Spatial Management and Housing in Warsaw. The method has succeeded in determining the economic value of ecosystem services and their benefits for people.
This paper addresses the issue of poor condition of trees in urban areas. The health condition of tree stand depends on many factors. Conditions prevailing in the city often do not provide for proper growth and development and allow only the vegetation of trees lasting several years after planting. Manifestations of tree health problems are usually visible lesions within the crown or trunk and are only effects of adverse factors on the root system. The most dangerous causes of ill health in trees are associated with intensity of the negative anthropopressure impact in the cities, affecting the changes in the soil environment. A thorough read of the processes occurring in the urban soils allowed presentation of the methods used to ensure adequate habitat conditions for trees in Europe and North America. Awareness of the need to use systems has increased in recent years in Poland. Attempts to use a variety of methods used worldwide and technologies used in the Polish cities allow to analyse the systems in terms of their effectiveness as well as potential barriers and opportunities for their implementation. The aim of the research is to designate the systems with long-term beneficial effects on the trees, the use of which would have impact on life extension of the trees in Polish cities.
Street trees grow in extreme habitat conditions and are exposed to high anthropogenic pressure. This study presents changes that occurred in the resources of street trees in the selected part of Praga-North, a district located near the center ofWarsaw, between 2011 and 2016. During this period, the number of dead and removed trees was determined and the assessment of the lost value was conducted. The compensatory value was evaluated as well. The replacement value was estimated in the examined area based on the difference between the value of the removed and newly-planted trees.The study also shows the real number of conducted compensatory planting for the environmental loss. The research was conducted with the objective to determine the changes in the urban forest in the selected, highly-urbanized part ofWarsaw. The study evaluated the extent of losses between the removed and newly-planted trees that allowed to assess the range of substitutes needed to be planted.
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