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2011 | 64 | 1 |

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The effect of soil extracts from a monoculture of spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) grown under different tillage systems on the germination of its seeds


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Wpływ wyciągów glebowych spod monokultury pszenicy jarej (Triticum aestivum L.) z różnych systemów uprawy roli na kiełkowanie jej ziarniaków

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The present experiment was carried out in the period 2006–2008. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of aqueous soil extracts from the soil of a spring wheat monoculture on seed germination energy and capacity, the length of the first leaf and of the longest radicle as well as the number of radicles. Moreover, the content of 0-dihydroxyphenols in the soil was compared in the last year of the study. The soil used to prepare the solutions came from a field experiment established on medium heavy mixed rendzina soil. Spring wheat, cv. Zebra, was grown using plough tillage and two conservation tillage methods in the presence of undersown crops (red clover, Westerwolds ryegrass) and stubble crops (lacy phacelia, white mustard). Germination energy of the seeds watered with the soil extracts from the ploughed plots was significantly higher than this trait in the seeds watered with the extracts from the conservation tillage treatments with spring disking of the catch crops. Germination energy and capacity of spring wheat in the control treatment watered with distilled water were significantly higher compared to the other treatments under evaluation. Spring wheat watered with the aqueous extract prepared from the soil obtained from the plough tillage treatment produced a significantly longer first leaf compared to the treatments in which both conservation tillage methods had been used. The shortest leaf and the lowest number of radicles were produced by the seedlings watered with the soil extract from the treatment with the white clover stubble crop. Radicle length was not significantly differentiated by the soil extracts under consideration. The content of 0-dihydroxyphenols in the rendzina soil determined during the spring period was higher than that determined in the autumn. The content of 0-dihydroxyphenols in the soil was lower in the conservation tillage treatments with autumn incorporation of the catch crops than in the plots in which plough tillage and conservation tillage with spring disking of the catch crops had been used. The type of catch crop used did not have a significant effect on the soil content of these compounds. At the same time, it was found that the treatments in which the catch crops had been sown tended to have higher contents of these compounds compared to the plots without catch crops.









Opis fizyczny



  • Department of Agricultural Ecology, University of Life Sciences in Lublin, Akademicka 13,20-950 Lublin, Poland


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