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Konsekwencje aktywności dzików (Sus scrofa L.)

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Consequences of wild boar (Sus scrofa L.) activity for plants

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Wild boars are omnivorous, their diet consists mainly of plants, and especially their bulbs, rhizomes, seeds fruits. Fungi, invertebrates and carcasses of animals are also part of diet, depending on a season. In search for food wild boars tear away the vegetation cover, aerating soil and mixing it with plant litter. Activities of these animals strongly influence plants, flora and vegetation. Out of natural geographic range, wild boar is recognized as a factor causing disturbances, destroying native plants and affecting the conservation status of species. Research on the activity of wild boars within their natural range focuses mainly on the role of this species in functioning of forest and agricultural ecosystems. There are up to date only a few research on the role played by wild boar in seed dispersal and none on their role in formation of soil seed banks.








Opis fizyczny



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  • Białowieska Stacja Geobotaniczna, Instytut Botaniki Wydziału Biologii Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, ul.Sportowa 19, 17-230 Białowieża


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