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2015 | 65 | 4 |

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Do consumers' attitudes towards food technologies and motives of food choice influence willingness to eat cereal products fortified with fibre?

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The aim was to assess the relationships between willingness to eat cereal products fortified with fibre, attitudes towards food technologies and some food choice motives. The questionnaire survey was carried out in 2013 within 1000 Polish consumers. Selection criteria of the sample took into account representativeness of the population due to province, then the choice had quota character by gender, education and size of residence place. The questionnaire consisted of questions on Food Technology Neophobia Scale (FTNS), motives of food choice (health, quality, and hedonic value) and intention to eat bread, pasta and biscuits fortified with fibre. The frequency analysis, cross tables and cluster analysis were used to analyse data. Relationships between parameters were assessed by calculating Pearson correlation coefficients using SPPS, version 21.0. The neophilic attitudes towards new food technologies (12.6% of participants) were represented by more women and people in the 26-35 age group. More neophobic (16.1%) were male, worse educated and older respondents. Only 18.4% of participants were in cluster "wanting to eat". More of them were people with neophilic attitudes. Among "not wanting to eat" (24.5%) there were more men, worse educated respondents, and representing neophobic attitudes. There were statistically significant correlations between perceived motives of food choice and declared intentions to eat cereal products fortified with fibre, except perceived pleasure from eating pasta. The willingness to eat cereal products fortified with fibre was significantly determined by attitudes towards new food technologies, health, quality and pleasure as motives of food choice, but also by socio-demographic profile.








Opis fizyczny



  • Department of Organization and Consumption Economics, Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Nowoursynowska 159c, 02–787 Warsaw, Poland
  • Department of Organization and Consumption Economics, Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Nowoursynowska 159c, 02–787 Warsaw, Poland


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