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2011 | 07 |

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Ranunculo-Callitrichetum hamulatae Oberd. 1957 em. Mull. 1977 w kanałach hutniczych na Śląsku Opolskim


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Ranunculo-Callitrichetum hamulatae Oberd. 1957 em. Mull. 1977 in the metallurgic canals in the Opole Silesia (SW Poland)

Języki publikacji



This paper presents the environmental conditions, floristic structure and distribution of the Ranunculo-Callitrichetum hamulatae Oberd. 1957 em. Müll. 1977 from the Potametea R. Tx. et Prsg. 1942 class in the four metallurgic canals in the Opole Silesia (SW Poland).






Opis fizyczny



  • Pracownia Geobotaniki i Ochrony Roślin, Katedra Biosystematyki, Uniwersytet Opolski, ul.Oleska 22, 45-052 Opole


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