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Teorie układów osadniczych jako paradygmat neopozytywistyczny


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Theories of settlement systems as a neopositivistic paradigm

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Theories of settlement systems interpreting the notion of a system in physical categories, derive from a very fertile current fo European philosophy, namely neopositivism (logical empiricism). They contain three fundamental postulates of neopositivistic learning; physicalism, formalism and conventionalism. The postulate of physicalism means that empiricial propositions can be considered as such only in the case when they describe intersubjectively ascertainble phenomena, that is objects and their states. The language that each science should use whould be the langauge of objects. Statements which cannot be fully translated into the language of objects are not worth treatment as statements of science. The second of the above mentioned postulates is the postulate of formalism which as a matter of fact is just another expression of the first postulate. It says that the language of mathematics is the basic language of all theories. In theoretical physics, to which the theory of settlement systems reduces, the first language that is being formed in the course of scientific explanation of phenomena is usually the language of mathematics - mathematical schema which makes it possible to foretell future states of the system. In physics notions occurring in general theorties must be declined as precisely as possible and this can be achieved only due to mathematical abstraction. Thus the process of transfer from empirical statement to formulation of general, basic theories of settlement systems requires abandoning of the natural language in favour of the language of mathematics. And finally the third postulate of the neopositivistic paradigm is contained in a principally metaphysical thesis which says that in reality there exist only objects and physical processes which proceed according to the laws of physics. And all the rest either will be possible to be reduced to those physical objects or does not exist at all. Physicalism of theories of settlement systems in consequence reaches so far that even logical formations are treated as physical objects. This is connected with extreme nominalism and this in turn ds intertwined with strong conventional and rational tendencies.






Opis fizyczny




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