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2015 | 159 | 10 |

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Problematyka pomiarów oraz określania miąższości martwego drewna na kołowych powierzchniach próbnych


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Measurement and calculation of the volume of deadwood on circular sampling plots

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The paper analyzes two methods of deadwood (DW) measurements on circular sampling plots. In the first method, the volume of DW is measured within the circumference of the sampling plot irrespective of the fact whether the live tree was located inside or outside the plot. The other method requires the measurement of only that DW, which can be attributed to trees that originally grew within the sampling plot. This requires identification all debris fragments originating from those trees both within and outside the sampling plot. Additionally, the paper compares the results obtained using Smalin's and Huber's formulas and discusses the influence of decomposition stage on the calculated volume of lying deadwood. Measurements were conducted in two stands. In each of them 20 circular sampling plots (4 or 5 ares) were established. In both stands, the second investigated measurement method led to a lower mean DW volume (by 6.3% and 27.2%). In practice, it was very difficult to identify DW from the outside of the sampling plots as high trees growing close to the plot had their fragments lying up to several dozen meters away. If a tree was very fragmented upon falling, it was difficult to find all the relevant pieces of DW and determine whether they derived from the sampling plot or not. The volume of lying DW calculated according to Smalin's formula was by 5% higher. In case of 7.7% of the 194 inventoried fragments of lying DW the transverse cross−section changed from circular to misshapen. The application of formulas accounting for decomposition decreased the calculated volume of lying DW by 5.1%. Taking into consideration the time−effectiveness and accuracy of measurements, it has been found that for most stands the best method is to measure the ends of DW pieces, calculating the length of segments from polar coordinates (using the measurement principles presented in the figures). In addition, especially in measuring large trees, one should take into account changes in shape attributable to decomposition, which may influence the calculation of DW volume. It is recommended that all DW fragments within a circular sampling plot should be measured irrespective of whether the tree from which they derive grew inside or outside the plot.









Opis fizyczny



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