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2011 | 56 | 2 |

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Body mass and behavior in Swiss mice subjected to continuous or discontinuous food restriction and refeeding

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Food restriction (FR) is hypothesized to decrease body fat content of an animal and thus prevent obesity. However, the response of energy budget to a continuous (CFR) or discontinuous FR (DFR) remains inconsistent. In the present study, effects of CFR or DFR and refeeding on energy budget and behavior were examined in male Swiss mice. CFR significantly decreased the energy expenditure associated with basal metabolic rate (BMR) and activity behavior, but not sufficiently to compensate for energy deficit and thus resulted in lower body mass and fat content. DFR mice had a significantly higher food intake on ad libitum days and showed increases in BMR and activity after 4 weeks’ DFR, which might resulted in lower body mass and less body fat than controls. After being refed ad libitum, both CFR and DFR mice had similar body mass, BMR, and behavioral patterns to controls but had 95% and 75% higher fat content. This suggested that not only CFR but also DFR would be a significant factor in the process of obesity for animals that were refed ad libitum. It also indicated that food restriction interrupted many times by periods of ad libitum feeding had the same long-term effects like continuous underfeeding.

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  • School of Agricultural Science, Liaocheng University, 1 Hunan Lu, Liaocheng, Shandong 252059, People's Republic of China
  • School of Agricultural Science, Liaocheng University, 1 Hunan Lu, Liaocheng, Shandong 252059, People's Republic of China
  • School of Agricultural Science, Liaocheng University, 1 Hunan Lu, Liaocheng, Shandong 252059, People's Republic of China
  • School of Agricultural Science, Liaocheng University, 1 Hunan Lu, Liaocheng, Shandong 252059, People's Republic of China
  • School of Agricultural Science, Liaocheng University, 1 Hunan Lu, Liaocheng, Shandong 252059, People's Republic of China


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