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Współczesne procesy eoliczne w Europie


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Contemporary aeolian processes in Europe

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Aeolian processes nowadays belong to the most important exogenetic processes forming the European landscape. On the one hand, these processes are developing under natural conditions in the areas beyond the extent of forest and compact plant cover, i.e. in the far North (polar countries), in the semi-desert on the Caspian Sea, in the upper parts of mountains, on sea coasts, and on the other hand in anthropogenically transformed areas, i.e. mostly in arable land. The following types of contemporary aeolian processes in Europe are distinguished and described: 1) dust storms and aeolian dust deposition, 2) wind erosion of soils and dune deflation, 3) aeolian processes in river valleys, 4) aeolian processes in mountains, 5) aeolian processes on sea coasts. The first two processes (dust storms and wind erosion) are the most important. Their significance results from the common occurrence (Fig. 1) and real and potential intensity of these phenomena - including extreme ones. They can cause heavy economic losses.

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