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1989 | 31 |

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Występowanie miedzi w ekosystemach wodnych


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The occurence of copper in water ecosystems

Języki publikacji



The paper presents the results of investigations concerning the copper content in some water systems on the Earth. All the methods applied in copper determination have been surveyed in order to kame the comparison of copper content in various ecosystem elements possible. The examined samples of ocean and sea waters do not show big differences in total copper content either in vertical arrangements or in time. The detected amounts of total copper are low and they do not exceed 20 - 30 μg/dm³ Cu, the average amonut being 3 - 5μg Cu/dm³. The coastal areas and areas of the river mounth show higher copper content, probably as the result of their progressing contamination. As far as surface waters are concerned the lakes contain the smallest amount of copper /7 μg Cu/dm³ on the average/ whereas dam reservoirs show higher copper content. The ponds have been divided into 4 groups according to the increasing amount of copper they contain. The highest amount of copper /above 25 μg Cu/dm³/ has been found in the ponds situated in the industrial areas /i.e. Fish Fana - Przybków near Legnica - 490 μg Cu/dm³/. The amount of Copper in the water from precipitiation /1 - 60 μg Cu/dm³ during one year in the Wrocław region/ and its influence on surface water contamination has been analysed. The rangę of copper content in rivers in wider than that in lakes and ponds /the upper limit amounts to 25 μg Cu/dm³. The investigations prove that the copper content tends to increase in surface waters, especially in rivers and ponds. It is suggested that the standards concerning the rangę of copper content in particular categorles of surface water purity should be changed.






Opis fizyczny



  • Katedra Limnologii i Rybactwa, Akademia Rolnicza we Wrocławiu, Wrocław


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