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2020 | 164 | 07 |

Tytuł artykułu

Propozycja wielkoobszarowej metody inwentaryzacji jemioły

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Proposition of a large-scale mistletoe inventory method

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Mistletoe (Viscum album L.) is a semi−parasitic plant and, as long as it is not present in large quantities, it does not pose a lethal threat to trees. Due to its ability to carry out photosynthesis, its effect on the host is negligible. However, recent droughts have made heavy impact on forests and mistletoe in recent years began to appear on a larger scale in regions and in places where it has never been a threat before. For this reason, there is an urgent need to broaden our knowledge about this species. This work includes a review of the literature on the biology and ecology of mistletoe. The main purpose of this research is to analyze the methods for assessing the number of mistletoe on individual trees and in the stands as well as to prepare new method adapted to Polish conditions. New method that was proposed is based on random sample plots, each consisting of 15 trees on which impact of mistletoe is assessed. On every sample plot the mistletoe occurrence, location in the crown, estimate of the percentage within the crown and the number of mistletoe on a tree is assessed. In addition, for further analysis, information on stand (forest habitat type, site index) as well as measured trees (age, diameter, Kraft class, crown length, loss of assimilation apparatus, crown type) levels is recorded.

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  • Katedra Urządzania Lasu, Dendrometrii i Ekonomiki Leśnictwa, Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie, ul. Nowoursynowska 159, 02-776 Warszawa
  • Katedra Urządzania Lasu, Dendrometrii i Ekonomiki Leśnictwa, Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie, ul. Nowoursynowska 159, 02-776 Warszawa


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