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2013 | 16 | 3 |

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Applicability of 2D gel electrophoresis and liquid chromatography in proteomic analysis of urine using mass spectrometry MALDI-TOF

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Proteomics including the studies of the structure, function and dependences between proteins is more and more extensively applied in human medicine and veterinary medicine. The analysis of protein profiles of tissues and body fluid from healthy and ill individuals allows to identify diagnostic, prognostic and predictive markers in various pathological states in people and animals. This paper presents preparation of urine samples for analysis in the mass spectrometer MALDI-TOF (Ultraflextreme, Bruker, Bremen, Germany) by means of two methods: liquid chromatography based on the system Nano-LC (PROTEINER FC II, Bruker Daltonics, Bremen Germany). and two-direction electrophoresis 2DE (GE Healthcare, United Kingdom). Both methods enable separation of the mixture under consideration into individual fractions of high purity indispensable for obtaining readable mass spectra. The purpose of this paper is to determine applicability of these methods in analysis of protein composition of urine samples.

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  • Department of Epizootiology and Clinic of Infectious Diseases, University of Life Sciences, Glęboka 30, 20-612 Lublin, Poland
  • Department of Epizootiology and Clinic of Infectious Diseases, University of Life Sciences, Glęboka 30, 20-612 Lublin, Poland
  • Department and Clinic of Animal Internal Diseases, University of Life Sciences, Gleboka 30, 20-612 Lublin, Poland
  • Department of Vitreoretinal Surgery, Medical University of Lublin, Chmielna 1, 20-079 Lublin, Poland
  • Department of Epizootiology and Clinic of Infectious Diseases, University of Life Sciences, Glęboka 30, 20-612 Lublin, Poland


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