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2013 | 09 | 2 |

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Dwie zapomniane prace o ważkach (Odonata) Polski


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Two forgotten papers about dragonflies (Odonata) of Poland

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Author discusses two Russian papers with data from the vicinity of Puławy (eastern Poland) which have been omitted in odonatological literature so far including "A distribution atlas of dragonflies (Odonata) in Poland" (Bernard et al. 2009). Zaitsev (1908) gave on the margins of the paper about interesting insects of the vicinities of Puławy the information about the recording of Caraphractus cinctus (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae). Then it was wrongly regarded as a specialized parasite of the eggs of Ca- lopteryx virgo therefore its presence was treated as an evidence for the occurrence of this dragonfly species (Kolosov 1916; Zaitsev 1908). However, C. cinctus parasitizes mainly Dytiscidae (Coleoptera), it is also found in the eggs of Notonecta spp. (Hemiptera: Heter- optera) - therefore this reasoning is unauthorized and the paper of Zaitsev (1908) should be excluded as a source of data on dragonflies of Poland. Kolosov was known as the author of the paper about the mass migration of Libellula quadrimaculata through Puławy (Kolosov 1915). His collection was partially preserved in the Museum and Institute of Zoology of the Polish Academy of Sciences (MIZ PAS). This data has been used by Bernard et al. (2009) and discussed in details by Buczyński (2012) who considered it in most as unpublished. However, it was published in „Zapiski Novo- Aleksandriyskago Instituta Selskago Khozyaistva i Lesovodstva" („Memoires de l'lnstitute Agronomique et Forester a Nowo-Alexandria") (Kolosov 1916) although this work has never been cited, not only in Poland but also in Russia and the Soviet Union. This probably resulted from a chain of unfortunate events. The paper was published during the war when the publishing institute was evacuated from Puławy to Kharkov where it stayed. Therefore this paper was absent in Polish libraries. However, for Russian authors the discussed paper was not interesting then for it was local and referred to a different country. Kolosov (1916) gave 41 dragonfly species: 40 from Puławy and its vicinity as well as 5 from fragmentary studied sites in other areas of Poland. At the same time Orthetrum cancellatum was wrongly recorded: the provided picture of copulatory apparatus of a male indicates O. albistylum. The analysis of data and the comparison with the preserved material (Buczyński 2012) show that the specimens in MIZ PAS were re-labelled which resulted in the loss of the detailed data about the sites: new uniformed labels provided general site „Novaya Aleksandriya" (=Puławy). Moreover, the collection of MIZ PAS contains the species which were not given by Kolosov (1916): Lestes virens, Enallagma cyathigerum, Anax imperator and A. parthenope. Taking into consideration all of the data, in the area of Puławy ca. 100 years ago 44 dragonfly species were recorded - that number was impressive in the light of contemporary standards of faunistic studies and such a small area. This shows the very high natural values of the valley of the middle River Vistula at that time. This data show the unique, almost complete picture of dragonfly assemblages of the valley of large lowland river in Central Europe during the period when such areas were still transformed in small degree by man.

Słowa kluczowe








Opis fizyczny



  • Zakład Zoologii, Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej, ul.Akademicka 19, 20-033 Lublin


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