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Jakość pieczywa pszennego z dodatkiem zakwasów

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Quality of wheat bread with sourdoughs addition

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Celem pracy było porównanie jakości pieczywa pszennego otrzymanego z ciasta prowadzonego metodą bezpośrednią z dodatkiem różnych zakwasów handlowych sypkich (W4, W6) i płynnych (LSI, LS2) oraz zakwasu otrzymanego w warunkach laboratoryjnych (ZP, ZPD). Po 24 godzinach od wypieku określono: objętość bochenka, masę właściwą miękiszu, jego kwasowość oraz przeprowadzono punktową ocenę jakości pieczywa. Po 3, 24, 48 oraz 72 godzinach od wypieku oznaczono wilgotność oraz twardość miękiszu pieczywa. Stwierdzono, że rodzaj oraz dawka zastosowanego zakwasu miały istotny wpływ na wydajność pieczywa i jego cechy jakościowe. Pieczywo o objętości istotnie wyższej bądź porównywalnej w stosunku do próby kontrolnej uzyskano, dodając zakwasy W4 (2 i 3%), W6 (2 i 3%) oraz LS1 (1%). W trakcie przechowywania wilgotność miękiszu pieczywa nie zmieniała się istotnie, jego twardość natomiast wzrastała (za wyj ątkiem PK i ZPD). Do I poziomu jakości zaklasyfikowano pieczywo z dodatkiem zakwasów sypkiego W4 (2 i 3%) i W6 (2 i 3%), płynnego LS1 (1%) i LS2 (1%) oraz próbę kontrolną.
The aim of the study was to compare the quality of wheat bread prepared from the dough conducted with the addition of various dry commercial sourdoughs starters (W4, W6), the liquid starters (LS1, LS2) and the sourdough obtained in lab environment (ZP, ZPD). The control sample was a wheat bread obtained by the direct method, without addition of a sourdough. Selected physico-chemical properties of flour, used for baking, such as, the quantity and the quality of gluten, the falling number, and the water absorption were marked. Lab baking was conducted. Twenty-four hours after the baking the loaf volume, crumb weight, acidity and scoring were marked and carried out to assess the quality of bread. After 3, 24, 48 and 72 hours from baking the hardness and moistness of the bread crumb were evaluated. It was noticed that the applied type and dosage of sourdough had a significant impact on the productivity of bread and its quality characteristics It was found that the sample with addition of the sourdough W4, in comparison to the control sample, was characterized by higher productivity. The bread with significantly higher or comparable volume in comparison to the volume of control sample was obtained when W4 (2 and 3%), W6 (2 and 3%) and LS1 (1%) sourdoughs were added to the flour. It was noticed that addition of the sourdoughs affected significantly the acidity of the crumb. Between 3 and 72 h of storage, the bread moisture content did not change significantly, whereas the hardness of the crumb was usually increasing (ZP and ZPD are exceptions). There was no significant difference in the hardness of the crumb of bread with the addition of the sourdough W4 (2 and 3%), W6 (3%) and LS2 (1%), as well as in the control sample after 3, 24, 48 and 72 hours of bread storage. On the basis of the point evaluation for the first level of quality were classified: bread with addition of dry sourdough W4, (2 and 3%), W6 (2 and 3%) liquid LS1 (1%) , LS2 (1%) and control samples. Bread with 2% addition of LS1 and LS2 sourdough was classified respectively to the second and third quality category. Some objections were related to the bread crumb color and too low elasticity of the crumb. The lowest rated was bread with the addition of ZP and IUD sourdoughs due to the deformation of its shape and insufficient grow up of the dough. Regardless of the used sourdough bread was characterized by good colour, dry, well cut crumb and typical, slightly aromatic flavor.

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Opis fizyczny




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