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Genomics and the evolution of aminoacyl-tRNA synthesis

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Trans la tion is the pro cess by which ri bo somes di rect pro tein syn the sis us ing the ge­netic in for ma tion con tained in mes sen ger RNA (mRNA). Trans fer RNAs (tRNAs) are charged with an amino acid and brought to the ri bo some, where they are paired with the cor re spond ing trinucleotide codon in mRNA. The amino acid is at tached to the na­scent polypeptide and the ri bo some moves on to the next codon. Thus, the se quen tial pair ing of codons in mRNA with tRNA anticodons de ter mines the or der of amino ac­ids in a pro tein. It is there fore im per a tive for ac cu rate trans la tion that tRNAs are only cou pled to amino ac ids cor re spond ing to the RNA anticodon. This is mostly, but not exclusively, achieved by the di rectattachmentoftheappropriateaminoacidtothe 3 -end of the cor re spond ing tRNA by the aminoacyl-tRNA syn the tas es. To en sure the accurate translation of genetic information, the aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases must display an extremely high level of substrate specificity. Despite this highly conserved function, re cent stud ies aris ing from the anal y sis of whole genomes have shown a significant de gree of evo lu tion ary di ver sity in aminoacyl-tRNA syn the sis. For ex am ple, non-canonical routes have been iden ti fied for the syn the sis of Asn-tRNA, Cys-tRNA, Gln-tRNA and Lys-tRNA. Char ac ter iza tion of non-canonical aminoacyl-tRNA synthesis has re vealed an un ex pected level of evo lu tion ary di ver gence and has also pro vided new in sights into the pos si ble pre cur sors of con tem po rary aminoacyl-tRNA syn the tases.








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  • Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, USA


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