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Ocena srodowiskowych i spolecznych aspektow Krajowego Programu Zwiekszania Lesistosci w okresie 2001-2020


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A great progress of studies on the importance of landscape structure for control of environmental threats provides the grounds to its management enabling the optimization of productivity with protective functions. Shelterbelts may create very efficient means for environment protection where profits from agricultural activities are substantial and arable land is in large demand. The network of shelterbelts will play environmental protection functions similarly to a forest but covering much smaller area. Solving the problem if a given area should be afforested or mid-field shelterbelts ought to be introduced will depend on arable land valorisation. Choice of valorisation indices ought to characterize the three fundamental pillars of sustainable development: economy, ecology and social needs. The quality of land should be considered as well as environmental threats together with economical conditions and citizen standard of living. Forming of diversified agricultural landscape structure e.g. by means of shelterbelt introduction increases resistance to threats and simultaneously permits maintenance of production at the level ensuring gains. Although there are some legal ways of financing afforestations, introduction of shelterbelts has not found clearly defined ways of financing yet. The successful introduction of mid-field shelterbelts into the space planing will require legal regulations with indication the resort responsible for those activities; possible the best solution will be Ministry of Environment coordinating shelterbelt management, similarly to proposal stated on the National Programme of Afforestation Increase. The programme stressed that shelterbelts can substitute the forest, but did not launch legal ways for its financing. One can suppose that strongly emphasized principles of sustainable development in the Constitution of the Republic of Poland as well as in the Second National Ecological Policy, what is also expressed in the policy of European Union supporting sustainable development, will result in the executive acceptance of the mid-field shelterbelt programme.








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  • Polska Akademia Nauk, ul.Bukowska 19, 60-809 Poznan


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