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2007 | 57 |

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The stand structure and natural regeneration of Abies alba Mill. in reserves on the northern margin of its distribution in SW Poland


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The silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) in the area of Wał Trzebnicki is at the northern limit of its distribution in western Poland. This study was performed in three nature reserves with protected silver fir populations. The stands in these reserves were mixed, with complex spatial structure and abundant tree regeneration. The proportion of fir in stands was around 16% of DBHS, the age of trees reached around 130 years. The silver fir occurs mainly in the sapling stage, whereas the number of seedlings was very low. The results of this study show the influence of forest floor vegetation as well as litter type on the emergence of fir seedlings. The seedlings density was compared with the results of other studies from different geographical areas and stands type in Poland.







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  • University of Wroclaw, pl.Maksa Borna 9, 50-328 Wroclaw, Poland


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