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1995 | 40 | 4 |

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Wolf food habits and wild ungulate availability in the Foreste Casentinesi National Park, Italy

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We investigated wolf Canis lupus Linnaeus, 1758 food habits in northern Apen­nines by examining 240 scats collected between 1988 and 1992. In the same area we also estimated densities of the most common wild ungulates. Wild ungulates were the main prey of the wolf and accounted for more than 92% of both frequencies of occurrence and mean percentage volume. During our study period we observed a decrease in the use of roe deer and an increase in the use of wild boar. Moreover selection of wild boar by wolves increased too, but selection of roe deer decreased by almost 400%, with moderately fluctuating deer densities. The impact of predation was generally greatest on young animals. Roe deer fawns and red deer calves were predated 3.14 and 2.18 times respectively more than available. Wild boar also were predated mainly in their first year but more often from 6 months of age than before.









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  • D.R.E.Am. Italia, Via Roma 174, Ponte a Poppi [Arezzo], Italy


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