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Seasonal diet of pine marten Martes martes in southern boreal Sweden


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The seasonal diet of pine marten Martes martes (Linnaeus, 1758) in southern boreal Sweden was studied by analyses of scats and digestive tract contents collected over a 6-year period. The diet was diverse; whereas microtines was the single most important food category, also shrews, hares, birds, insects, and berries were frequently consumed. The diet of pine marten varied seasonally but the consumption of small mammals (microtines and shrews) and hares was relatively stable over the year, and may be regarded as a year-round staple for marten. The winter diet differed from most other Fennoscandian studies in that it contained more berries and insects, and less squirrels and cervids. This may be explained by the general lack of snow, and by the dense marten population, during the years of the study. Among birds passerines were most frequent; tetraonids were consumed mainly in winter. The food niche was broadest in winter and decreased over summer.

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  • Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, 730 91 Riddarhyttan, Sweden


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