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Badania nad zroznicowaniem zbiorowisk grzybow glebowych i ich wplyw na wzrost przyczepki falistej [Rhizina undulata Fr.] po pozarze calkowitym lasu w Rudach Raciborskich


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Badano zbiorowiska saprofitycznych grzybów glebowych w rok po pożarze, na 4 powierzchniach doświadczalnych różniących się stopniem spalenia drzewostanu i wypalenia próchnicy oraz w drzewostanie sosnowym na granicy pożaru. Stwierdzono, że w glebach zdegradowanych przez pożar dominowały grzyby z rodzaju Penicillium. Im gleba była bardziej spalona tym zbiorowisko grzybów bylo bardziej uproszczone, charakteryzujące się bardzo licznym występowaniem jednego gatunku grzyba i pojedynczym pozostałych komponentów tego zbiorowiska. Pojawiający się samosiew, zwłaszcza brzozy, wyraźnie przyspieszył mikrobiologiczne ożywienie gleby.
Communities of soil fungi were investigated a year after a forest fire in 5 experimental areas which differed ill respect to the intensity of fire, and therefore the degree of soil combustion. A natural regeneration appearing in these areas was taken nitu account. Before the fire the areas was covered by the Scotch pine growing on a fresh mixed coniferous forest site. The influence of individual communities of soil fungi isolated on the growth of R. undulata was determined using an index of summary biotic effect. A total of 61 species of fungi were identified, out of which nearly a half belonged to the genus Penicillium. In a community of fungi occurring after a total forest fire P. spinulosum made up 68% of the entire community, and the remaining 16 species occurred only in a single number of isolates (Tab. 2). A community of fungi isolated from the soil after a crown tire turned out to he a relatively most numerous and diversified with regard to species of fungi (Tab. 2). Not many species were isolated from the soil of old pine stand situated at the edge of fire area. In this case, however, fungi from the genus Penicillium constituted only 27% of total number of isolates (Tab. 2). As many as 27 species of fungi were isolated from the soil of root zone of a natural regeneration of the European birch appearing a year after a total forest fire (Tab. 2). A quantitative and qualitative diversity of fungal communities investigated most certainly had some influence on a rapid development of R. undulata. Its fructifications were abundant in the area a year after the fire. The study results are summed up in table 3 in form of indexes obtained. The study showed that conditions most favourable for R. undulata resulted from a crown fire (partial forest fire) since in that case an index of total biotic effect was highest i.e. -1251 (Tab. 3). The following species should belong lo the fungi which form a distinct inhibitory zone in contact with R . undulata. Penicillium janczewski, P. canescens, P. brevicompactum, Trichoderma koningii, T. Harzianum, Botrytis cinerea, Absidia glauca, Alternaria alternata. The study also showed that a natural regeneration, especially that of the European birch, appearing after a forest fire considerably accelerates a microbiological revitalization of the soil and has a distinct effect on the diversity of fungi occurring there. It may be supposed that other plant species, including trees, appearing sometimes very abundantly alter a forest fire have a similar effect.






Opis fizyczny



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