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2005 | 53 | 4 |

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Ecosystem response to early and late Holocene lake-level changes in Lake Juusa, Southern Estonia

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The main aim of the study is to analyse the response of the catchment and lake ecosystem to the lake-level change on the basis of pollen, macrofossil, cladoceran and stable isotope records obtained by a comprehensive study of sediments from a shore core from Lake Juusa (Southern Estonia). The obtained multi-proxy data indicate that there is good correspondence between lithological, macrofossil and cladoceran changes during most time in the studied period. The palaeorecords show that the development of the Lake Juusa ecosystem was triggered mainly by the fluctuations of the lake level. Discrepancies of the data for some periods are caused by the concurrent processes having specific impact on the obtained records.








Opis fizyczny



  • Tallin University, Kevade 2, Tallin 10137, Estonia


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