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2005 | 47 | 2 |

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Relations between Betula pendula Roth. [Betulaceae] leaf morphology and environmental factors in five regions of Croatia


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In this research we used numerical analysis of environmental and morphometric data sets to study the possibility of environmental control of leaf morphology in Betula pendula stands from five regions of Croatia. The correlations were poor between leaf variables and the ecological gradients of the stands, as well as between the ecological, vegetational and biometric characteristics of the two morphologically most similar populations. This being so, we viewed the populations in the historical context. As the two morphologically closest B. pendula populations grow in disjoined natural marshland vegetation with different environmental features, their similarity might be found in the genetic background, which should be further investigated. Possibly, at least in these two areas of its Croatian distribution range, B. pendula grows in its primary habitats from preglacial times, and is of older (relict) origin than in the rest of its recent Croatian (secondary) area of distribution, where it recolonized after the Ice Ages.








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  • University of Zagreb, Marulicev trg 9, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia


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