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1995 | 19 | 3-4 |

Tytuł artykułu

Ekonomiczne aspekty polityki przestrzennej


Warianty tytułu

Economic aspects of physical planning

Języki publikacji



Aktywne kształtowanie przestrzeni gospodarczej kraju w warunkach rynkowych, spełniające oczekiwania poprawy ładu przestrzennego i upowszechniania atrakcyjnych miejsc alokacji kapitału, uzasadnia rację opracowania, stałego doskonalenia i skutecznej realizacji polityki przestrzennej. Jednymi z ważniejszych aspektów powinny być szeroko rozumiane kwestie ekonomiczne. Poza ogólnymi przesłankami polityki przestrzennej, wyróżniono dwie zasadnicze grupy aspektów ekonomicznych, stosowne do każdej skali terytorialnej. Są to warunki tworzenia korzyści dla rozwoju przedsiębiorczości i innych jednostek gospodarczych (budżetowych) oraz koszty funkcjonowania całokształtu działalności gospodarczej i poszczególnych jej sfer w układach przestrzennych. Sformułowano szereg postulatów o charakterze uniwersalnym, jak też w układzie zregionalizowanym, obejmujących sferę produkcyjną.
The leading theme of the article are economic aspects of the national physical planning policy on all levels of government and local administration. Drawing upon the concept of physical order, which is to be understood as rational management of space and facilitation of the physical dimension of any business activity, two major categories of economic aspects in physical planning can be differentiated. First, there are benefits related to promotion of business as a source and means of expanding capital, which will then supply other businesses in a given area. The underlying business function rest upon external benefits generated by corporations, some of which are expressed in financial terms. The article focuses not only on internal and external benefits to corporations but also on disadvantages projected to the environment. In either case, they are referred to as external factors and some of them are local and some are regional scope. The others are not defined in physical terms. Corporate external factors, if concentrated physically, are the source of agglomeration and deglomeration processes which are not solely limited to business but also to all types of economic activity and settlement processes. Hence, they constitute a critical aspect of physical planning. Physical planning must be the domain of all levels of government, including public administration. It follows from the nature of the structure of Poland s economy and political priorities that the responsibility should be concentrated in the administration of future large regions. This holds true for both categories of economic aspects. Naturally, centrally controlled physical planning must be co-ordinated with other sectoral and problem-centred policies. Its role and scope will always be varied and will depend on the development of multifaceted positive sustainability of economic processes. The policy will have to take account of heavy restructuring and refocus of regions to help them catch up with the volatile reality. The objectives arc to: - strengthen major urban agglomerations, or the growth generators, such as Warsaw, Poznań, Gdańsk etc.; - modify the business structure of Upper and Lower Silesia, Łódż complex and other areas of high natural resource concentration; - foster the development of growth generators in eastern Poland; - alleviate the differences in physical structure to enhance sustainability. Generally, Government policies should gravitate towards elimination or significant reduction of problems and conflicts, increasing sustainability of growth, market mechanisms and grass root initiative and to improve the general potential for future growth.








Opis fizyczny



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