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Wystepowanie i przemieszczanie jodu w systemie gleba-roslina


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Interdependence and interaction in iodine appearance in soil-plant system [review]

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Increasing of iodine content in plant tissue can be particularly important for human health. In the present study the authors tried to answer the question of iodine uptaking by plants from the environment as well as to find the connection between biochemical function of iodine within plant tissue and various reactions in soil-plant system. Recent investigations concerning iodine circulation in environment and its effect on plant growth and development in soil-plant system were presented, resulted both from iodine translocation in particular parts of cultivated plants (vegetables, fruits, herbs) and its accumulation in various plant organs. It was stated that the recently undertaken trials of biofortification of leafy vegetables with iodine fertilization seem to be hopeful and can influence an increase of this element concentration in plant tissue. The edible parts of those plants can be, apart from salt and milk enriched with iodine. an essential source of iodine both, in human and animal nutrition.








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  • Akademia Rolnicza im.H.Kollataja w Krakowie, Al.29-Listopada 54, 31-425 Krakow


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