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2007 | 16 | 4 |

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Detection of heavy metal concentrations in soil caused by Nigde city garbage dump

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The aim of this study was to detect heavy metal concentrations in the creek which passes through Nigde city garbage dump. In this respect, the soil samples collected in the study area by GPS were analyzed using X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer. Traces of heavy metals were observed by using statistical programs on analysis results. Geological observations were taken into consideration. According to the heavy metal concentrations in the Creek, the maximum values were as follows; (mg/ kg) Ti: 4960, V: 520, Cr: 120, Mn: 810, Ni: 460, Cu: 410, Zn: 100 and Pb: 480. The concentration levels of heavy metals in soil caused by garbage dump are listed in the following order; Pb > Cu > V > Ti > Cr > Ni > Zn. High positive correlation were observed between Ti-Mn, V-Ni and Cr-Ni. Medium positive correlations were observed between V-Cr, V-Cu and Ni-Zn. It has been found by chemical analysis data collected from stations established throughout the creek that there is an effect of morphological structure and no geologi­cal anomaly has been formed. According to chemical analysis results, statistical programs give important accuracy. Heavy metals, which give anomaly, differ throughout the creek. The source of these heavy metals was determined as Nigde city garbage dump. For this reason, it was suggested that, in order to refine the study area, a modern, organized storage system must be used instead of wild storage system in storing the urban wastes, and recyclable products must be used in the industry.








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  • Nigde University, 51200 Nigde, Turkey


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