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Czynniki warunkujace podsiew uzytkow zielonych - ekonomika.


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The aim of this study is to analyse economic aspects of the utilisation of complementary seeding for the renovation of grasslands. The paper presents results of our own investigations but also uses literature data to perform appropriate calculations. It appears that complementary seeding is a method of grassland renovation recommendable from the point of view of economy since the value of the ratio of the cost of production of 1 MJ feed energy to the value of its upgrading in animal production is at the level of 1.2-1.5. In comparison with the method of conventional tillage, complementary seeding is by 54- 62% cheaper, depending on the applied technological solutions. When calculating profitability of complementary seeding in grassland renovation, it seems more rational to apply the method which - for calculation purposes - takes into consideration the duration of the effect of complementary seeding expressed by the persistence of introduced species. From the economical point of view, complementary seeding should be considered as effective if the cost of the surplus of 1 dt of dry matter, 1 MJ energy or 1 kg protein obtained in the result of complementary seeding of grassland is lower than the unit cost of production of dry matter, energy or protein from sward which was not subjected to the treatment. Renovation of grassland by overdrilling, especially when performed with the aid of special seeders which increase - in comparison with traditional methods - effectiveness of yield improvement and sward quality, allows to decrease the profitability threshold of milk production. The use of complementary seeding in pratotechnique increases economic effectiveness of feeds from grasslands and, in addition - thanks to its proecological character, barely interfering in the meadow habitat - it allows to take multifaceted economic advantage from the entire natural environment. The economical aspects of complementary seeding application in grassland renovation requires further research.

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  • Akademia Rolnicza, ul.Wojska Polskiego 38-42, 60-627 Poznan


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