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Fauna i biologia Pyroglyphidae Polski


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5 valid species of pyroglyphid mites are actually known in Polish fauna. It should be stressed that the knowledge of their occurrence in house-dust, bird nests and other habitats is still poor. The most common pyroglyphid house-dust mites, Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus, D. farinae and Euroglyphus maynei, were found in samples of dust from houses (Warszawa, Bydgoszcz, Upper Silesia), hospitals (Katowice, Sosnowiec), libraries (Sosnowiec) and port buildings (Gdynia). The both species of the genus Dermatophagoides were also found in house-dust samples in Poznań and Poznań vicinity, whereas E. maynei and D. pteronyssinus - occasionally in stored herbs in Grudziądz. Moreover, Gymnoglyphus longior was reported from house-dust (Tarnowskie Góry, Upper Silesia), debris from a byre in Lesko and from barn litter in Solarnia near Lubliniec, while Hirstia passericola was found in byre debris in Lesko. It seems that D. pteronyssinus and D. farinae are common in house-dust all over the country. The following pyroglyphid mite species - D. pteronyssinus, H. passericola, G. longior - are reported from nests of birds in Poland.

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s.343-353, rys.,tab.,fot.,bibliogr.


  • Slaska Akademia Medyczna, ul.Medykow 18, 40-752 Katowice


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